Testimonials from over the rights of migrants - University of Calabria Two young students in my class of rights of migrants have finally decided to send me some thoughts on the documentary film The green blood.
The screening took place on October 11, room H3 (Faculty of Political Science, Bachelor in Social Services, and has been, in effect, the first lesson of the course of migrants' rights.
A student, a few weeks later, I said: Sir, I discussed the facts of Rosarno with my cousin who lives in Rosario. And she told me that it all started just because he had an extra- urinated in a public space. "
Another told me his father's reactions to the facts of Rosarno:
" Thank God. If the blacks go, then your cousin can go and pick him oranges and earn something. "
They thought, reflected, have called into question. Now they have a few more visual and conceptual tool to" discuss "
within their families. Not yet, but as much as before.
Kathy Lopresti
"The idea of \u200b\u200bgreen blood has always existed"
In Calabria, precisely in January 2010 in Rosario, African immigrants take to the streets to demonstrate against those who exploit them, threaten them, make them live in appalling conditions or even kill them. Rosarno immigrants are afraid, someone has the courage to express, because only the sound of firecrackers brings to mind the war from which they fled. And 'This is a portion showing the film "Green Blood" by Andrea Segre. But the film tries to give voice laborers to tell which of the 12-14 hours of work to pick oranges, even in the rain from which it can not repair because the water enters into the sleeves of impermeabili; descrivono i posti dove vivono: senza luce, senza acqua corrente, senza riscaldamento, luoghi in cui nemmeno gli animali potrebbero vivere; raccontano della paura di denunciare gli imprenditori per cui lavorano perché temono ripercussioni da parte di questi e temono anche di essere espulsi e raccontano anche di non essere soccorsi se hanno un infortunio durante l’orario di lavoro.
“Nessuno ha il sangue verde”dice uno dei migranti, ”abbiamo tutti il sangue rosso”. Ma l’idea del sangue verde è sempre esistita, è sempre esistita infatti l’esclusione. Alcuni esempi di esclusione li troviamo anche all’interno della cultura cristiana: Adamo ed Eva vengono excluded from Eden because they sinned, thus excluding the possibility of living in happiness and another example is that of Cain and Abel, Cain kills his brother Abel, so excluded from the benevolence of God. And this is what goes on in the course of history men to live must not kill what they are and what they do not have. This process goes hand in hand with man's ability to eliminate the other without killing itself. Exclusion and integration can be considered two sides of same coin: the exclusion distances and eliminates those who are different and integration is simply the way you look for to maintain integrity than exclusive.
There are different ways of appropriating the other: one is to reduce the individual to exclude single body, since it can not be killed is reduced to a simple thing, so to kill her "soul" while maintaining a body to use and exploit, the other is to convince the individual to be excluded to have some guilt, so that it becomes a prisoner of sin and those who want to operate.
Over time, these processes of exclusion and inclusion have changed, in the French Revolution to the statement of equality between all people is used as a means to move the different and to control the masses. Unfortunately you do not choose to be born and those considered "other" pay the consequences of their fate when they are faced with individuals who have power and do not need them, they can ask for no rights.
Throughout history there have been events prior to exclusion and then the total elimination of a people that has had the greatest resonance was the genocide of the Jews regarded as an inferior race. And this is another idea that comes forward in the modern world: YOU THAT COME FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY, YOU HAVE A DIFFERENT CULTURE, YOU HAVE ANOTHER COLOR PELLE, APPARTIENI AD UNA RAZZA INFERIORE E PER QUESTO DEVI ESSERE ESCLUSO DALLA “NORMALITA’ ”, MA SE VUOI INSERIRTI IN QUESTA NORMALITA’ DEVI INTEGRARTI, RINNEGARE, CIOE’, QUELLO CHE SEI, RINNEGARE LA TUA CULTURA, RINNEGARE LA TUA LINGUA E RINNEGARE LA TUA RELIGIONE E FORSE ALLA FINE HAI LA POSSIBILITA’ DI CHIEDERE DIRITTI.
Ma i diritti dell’uomo non dovrebbero essere garantiti a quest’ultimo proprio perché uomo senza distinzioni di sesso, di razza, di lingua, di religione, di opinione politica e di condizioni personali e sociali?
Carolina Cosentino
Reflections on the documentary: green blood
This documentary puts' focus on different local realities of Italy, including Rosarno, Castel Volturno and some countries of Puglia and Sicily .
"green blood" allows us to reflect on the working conditions of immigrants in our country, how the government wants to stem the flow of illegal immigration that is hiding the real problem, expelling them or holding them in their country, for example, through the famous treaty between Italy and Libya.
Since when these people have not had the courage and strength to rebel against living conditions "brutal", ordinary people knew the phenomenon as it had been presented by politicians and the media that led to the population, the fear of the "different", as still happens today.
indifference, the look in their own homes has been so far overall behavior although, as always, is the exception, the person who puts himself in an empathetic perspective of the 'other' and do not forget the past of our country and especially in our region; a history of migrant laborers.
This has greatly impressed me is that one of the protagonists of the documentary Castel Volturno defines as a place very similar to some African countries. This statement is very significant because the South of Italy, as well as all the "south" of the world, have a strong similarity. But what? In poverty, misery, rugged landscape and strong, but also equal and similar attitudes and stereotypes. Where the country is obliged by political will, below its potential, leaving the 'ignorance and in' indifference on the part of power, here is accompanied by a 'organization subordinate to the State submits to the people illegitimate power.
How is it possible to think that we can work in the fields for 12-18 hours a day in an indecent, without food, without able to rest in appropriate locations, enslaved, deprived of their identity, discrimination and reduced the total commodity the "masters" to less than 25 euros a day?
Tutto ha una spiegazione, anche i fatti di Rosarno ce l’hanno.
Ho avuto la possibilità di vedere luoghi che mi ricordavano molto il mio Sud, nell’aria c’erano gli stessi profumi, anche alcune tradizioni avevano un filo conduttore con le nostre; sono stato in Turchia ed in Tunisia, certo da turista, ma ho scoperto come è piccolo il mondo, c’è sempre un nord rispetto ad un sud, ed un sud rispetto ad un nord.
Danilo Spadafora