Kalifa Soumahroro exploitation is one of the witnesses in Calabria and tells us his story: "I fled from my country, Côte d'Ivoire because of the war. There I worked for a company of French agri-food sector. I had my family, my home, but the war forced me to escape. About Italy I just knew I had won the World Cup, I came to your country to poverty and misery. " Italy was the land promised to Kalifa first arrived in Foggia, Crotone and then, finally, through other friends in Rosario immigrants. His home has since become an old abandoned factory. There they will meet other immigrants from Burkina Faso, Mali, Morocco. Many regular, many with only a work permit. 1500 people crammed, crowded, the poor hygienic conditions, no hot water, without a bed or a hot meal.

Expulsion from hell, escorted by police, is told as a liberation from Kalifa. Follow the arrival in Rome, where through a charity will be able to get permission to stay in Naples as vucumprà and Cuneo, where today she works in the fields for harvesting apples or peaches, "but on better terms" he says. Italy has seen Kalifa is that, as reported in the documentary, compared to 350 000 illegal immigrants in 2009, spends only 150 million euro for political integration and acceptance.

"Immigrants are not objects of emergencies and problems, but people who live, suffer, smile, enjoy, struggle, reflect, decide. But to do so must first of all to fight against the surface of their condition public, not private, non-subjective as an immigrant, "says Andrea Segre , director of the documentary .
Rosarno A second Silvia Pescivolo, head of the National Coordination of Refugee Amnesty International, "the collection of oranges is about to start as many projects did not start for the host to migrants." According
Stranieriinitalia.it "currently the only official plan, approved by the government, is" Objective 2.5 ". This is a plan to transform the cement Medma Beton, confiscated from the Mafia, in a building with 60 beds adjoining spaces to be dedicated to entertainment and education of immigrants and their families. The project is undoubtedly ambitious, but job status report a substantial delay and the deadline is not expected before next year. "

"Green Blood" has already produced results: the web was born Observatory Labourers, a portal that hosts and news reports on the conditions of workers agricultural immigrants in Italy. The service provides an overview of the current geographical phenomenon, which can be directly implemented by anyone who has information, testimony, photos and video to report to his direct observation of the phenomenon, or from from newspapers, television, weblogs and news sites.
immigrants who were in Rosario with Kalifa, those in the documentary, are no longer in Rosario, and many are in Lazio, Campania, others have migrated abroad. Kalifa not criminalize our country for what has happened and at the end of our meeting, it also adds that this may be his "country of final destination." E 'convinced that the revolt has already produced results Rosarno among immigrants living in Italy, that the "hunt black" will not be forever. We would like to believe it too.
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