Tuesday, January 26, 2010

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

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AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, "All migrants must be protected from attacks and exploitation"

PRESS CS002-2010
aftermath di due giorni di violenti scontri tra lavoratori migranti e cittadini di Rosarno, che hanno portato alla fuga o al trasferimento forzato di oltre un migliaio di migranti, Amnesty International ha espresso il timore che le autorità italiane non stiano tutelando i diritti economici e sociali dei migranti e non li stiano proteggendo dalla crescente ondata di xenofobia e violenza a sfondo razziale. L’organizzazione per i diritti umani teme anche che molti dei migranti sfollati, la maggior parte dei quali provenienti dall’Africa subsahariana, rimangano a rischio di subire ulteriori violazioni.
Gli scontri di Rosarno sono iniziati dopo che, nella notte del 7 gennaio, gli occupanti di un’automobile avevano sparato contro due migranti con un fucile ad aria compressa. Dopo questo episodio, diverse centinaia di migranti hanno dato vita a una manifestazione lungo le vie della città, protestando contro il trattamento discriminatorio e le misere condizioni di vita, dando fuoco a delle vetture e scontrandosi con la polizia. Il giorno dopo, gli abitanti di Rosarno hanno bloccato la circolazione e occupato la sede del Municipio. Due migranti sono stati colpiti con spranghe, cinque volutamente investiti e due feriti con fucili a pallini. Al termine degli scontri, 53 persone (21 migranti, 14 rosarnesi e 18 agenti di polizia) hanno dovuto ricorrere a cure ospedaliere. L’ordine è stato ristabilito dopo la partenza della maggior parte dei lavoratori migranti, centinaia dei quali trasferiti dalle autorità, e la successiva demolizione di molti dei rifugi temporanei che erano stati da loro occupati in strutture ed edifici abbandonati.
Il ministro dell’Interno, Roberto Maroni, ha attribuito i disordini alla precedente mancanza di controlli sull’immigrazione. Pur sottolineando che chiunque si renda responsabile di atti di violenza dev’essere sottoposto a indagine e processato, Amnesty International teme che le cause di fondo dei fatti di Rosarno risiedano da un lato nel massiccio sfruttamento dei migranti impiegati nell’agricoltura e dall’altro nell’assenza di misure concrete, da parte delle autorità nazionali e locali, per contrastare la xenofobia in crescita in tutto il paese.
La tratta e lo sfruttamento dei migranti has meant that thousands of people in the area of \u200b\u200bRosarno and in many other parts of Italy to work for two euro per hour and live in dorms without electricity, running water and heating. Earlier, Amnesty International had expressed concern that the criminalization of irregular migrants produced by the recent "security" would make them even more vulnerable to exploitation by limiting their access to employment, housing and essential services and simultaneously discouraging them from reporting abuse they suffer.
The increase in xenophobia in Italy is reflected in the growing anti-immigrant rhetoric and anti-Roma by politicians national and local increase in the number of racially motivated attacks reported in the press over the past 18 months.
To address the underlying causes of the disorders Rosarno, Amnesty International urges the Italian authorities to:
- to give greater priority to combating hate crimes, ensuring that victims of racially motivated crimes have access to an effective remedy, that these crimes are investigated, and those responsible brought to justice;
- take more rigorous measures to prevent national and local authorities to promote or incite racial discrimination, as provided for in art. 4.c of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination;
- effectively combat human trafficking and provide assistance to victims, as envisaged by the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings;
- ensuring that migrant workers legally resident in Italy equal opportunity and treatment in employment and employment, as required by art. 10 of the 1975 Convention on Migrant Workers International Labour Organisation;
- reverse line introduced by the recent "security package" that has made illegal immigration a crime;
- to ensure that all migrants have effective access to the right to housing and adequate living conditions, a right that the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has determined applies to all, regardless of status, noting that it includes "the right to live in a place conditions of security, peace and dignity. "
Amnesty International also highlighted the risk that many of the displaced migrants from Rosarno may suffer further human rights violations. The Italian police announced that 828 migrants were transferred to two centers for foreigners in Croton and Bari Many of the migrants who lived and worked in Rosario were legally resident in Italy, but many others are displaced migrants in Italy without permission, Amnesty International fears that may face long periods of detention without being taken into account possible alternatives or they can be deported without effective access to procedures and mechanisms that could enable them to seek asylum or other forms of protection or recourse against an order of deportation.
Rosarno Many migrants away from the authorities or forced to leave the city you can not return due to the lack of security, both for the destruction of the places they inhabited. The forcible transfer of people from their homes without a proper procedure which includes the availability of adequate alternative housing, is configured as a forced eviction and therefore as a violazione del diritto internazionale. Anche se il trasferimento è stato deciso come misura temporanea di emergenza a causa della minaccia di violenza, se queste persone non possono rientrare nelle loro abitazioni perché sono state demolite, sulla base del diritto internazionale le autorità italiane sono obbligate a fornire una sistemazione alternativa adeguata e un rimedio efficace.
Pertanto, a seguito dei fatti di Rosarno, Amnesty International chiede alle autorità italiane di garantire che:
- tutte le denunce di reati a sfondo razzista siano sottoposti a indagini efficaci, chiunque sia ritenuto responsabile sia sottoposto a processo e le vittime ricevano un effettivo risarcimento;
- il principio di non respingimento e di una correct steps are met, providing all migrants, where necessary, effective access to fair and satisfactory procedures for applying for asylum or appeal against a deportation order in full benefit of the procedural safeguards;
- all migrants away from Rosarno can return to their places of residence or is being offered adequate alternative housing, in other part of Italy. END OF PRESS

Rome, January 12, 2010

For more information, insights and interviews: Amnesty International Italy - Press Office Tel 2006 4490224 - cell. 348-6974361, e-mail: press@amnesty.it
Read all the press releases at: http://www.amnesty.it/archivio-tutte-news-comunicati.html

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Can You Use A Bear Bow For Bowfishing


's OBSERVATORY LABOURERS is renewed! now is on the new portal that contains reports and news about
lle conditions of agricultural workers immigrants in Italy.

The service provides an overview of the current geographical phenomenon, which can be directly implemented by anyone who has information, testimony, photos and video to report to his direct observation of the phenomenon, or from from newspapers, tv, weblogs and news sites.


We are migrating the news previously posted on this page to the new portal.

News Archive

Friday, January 1, 2010

Color Pop Bracelet Meanings

green blood in Saluzzo for Candestino Day

pleased to publish the report sent to us by the racist group of Saluzzo (CN):

A heavy rain fell on Friday night Saluzzo,
forcing us to find a fortune for the film.
We therefore moved to a gym not far from the courtyard of the hostel, where he had initially planned to take place the evening.
The weather however did not keep people away and we were over a hundred people, many foreigners, crammed into the room.
Presentation to phone the director has created a warm climate of care and the screening was followed by all with emotion.
comments have been positive and I think that everyone is brought home more of a thrill and an opportunity to reflect. Some African migrants were present in Rosario in those days and I think we'll meet with them to let us raccontare ancora. Il thè alla menta ha accompagnato parole e proposte per il futuro mentre fuori spioveva.
Veramente una bella serata, inusuale dalle nostre parti trovarsi in tanti per un evento del genere.
Veramente un bel film, utile per capire, indignarsi e muoversi.
Grazie a Segre e a Zalab!

Lele e tutti i compagni del Comitato Antirazzista