A heavy rain fell on Friday night Saluzzo, forcing us to find a fortune for the film.
We therefore moved to a gym not far from the courtyard of the hostel, where he had initially planned to take place the evening.
The weather however did not keep people away and we were over a hundred people, many foreigners, crammed into the room.
Presentation to phone the director has created a warm climate of care and the screening was followed by all with emotion.
comments have been positive and I think that everyone is brought home more of a thrill and an opportunity to reflect. Some African migrants were present in Rosario in those days and I think we'll meet with them to let us raccontare ancora. Il thè alla menta ha accompagnato parole e proposte per il futuro mentre fuori spioveva.
Veramente una bella serata, inusuale dalle nostre parti trovarsi in tanti per un evento del genere.
Veramente un bel film, utile per capire, indignarsi e muoversi.
Grazie a Segre e a Zalab!
Lele e tutti i compagni del Comitato Antirazzista
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