La mano è la mia, perchè è conciata così? si scoprirà alla fine del film

Label per il DVD

Nuova copertina per DVD of the beach ass model with the wind The director is the head Alba is my

Here are some of the actors of beach blood red (I could not post them all or the post became too long, but fear not in the film you'll see them all)

Tormene Daniel (he is just one of 37)

Simon Govoni (Michelino's brother)

Aron Brando (the big star fresh fresh from his Oscar Best-in)

Irene Fornari (The girl Picture of Bicester)

Roberto Albanesi (the new James Dean)

Andrea Rags (signed with the face of a fish)
Before long, a maximum in January 2011 will be released the highly anticipated film by Roberto Albanesi "Beach Red Blood" that after thousands of bad luck (time between computers and DVDs burned with records) and two years of work, this beautiful filmmaledetto will finally vita.7 For this film, I realized the graphics of the poster of the cover of the DVD and be printed on the label disk, plus a making of the fun this summer where you can see interviews with the cast and film crew to film some behind the scenes. more When will the movie you can enjoy the beautiful footage of the Headlines made by myself with the important help of Irene supplies, which has patiently assembled my drawings in photoshop with After Effects to create these wonderful movies. for information on the output of the film to ask New Old Story . The Making Of Look on Youtube takes only 8 minutes but it's fun. This however is the animated logo that will be the beginning of the film
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