Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cheats For Fire Red On Vba

dibattito Rosarno intro

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And in general how many writers or investigators returning to the places of their investigation is critical to defend their work and their word?

rarely happens and I think the reason not to look into comfortable getaways of responsibility but rather the difficulty of bringing in a local context for the story thought the universal arena. Especially if the local context is - as in the case of Rosarno - a small provincial town transformed by the events in the center of international attention. The natural tendency of the community of that town will be the defense against this modern form of violence given by media overexposure of its identity.

Very easy to listen to the stories the local community outside with the understandable distrust of storytellers not only inexperience with the local newspapers, but also without a permit and a moral authority than the community itself.

The tension between local and outside the community is strong and you understandably difficult to grasp the growth opportunities that such comparisons can still bring.


But do you know?"

"You do not live here every day"

"What you say is only part of the truth"

"You see only what you want. For your interest career "

comments are almost inevitable in such occasions.

I was expecting them and inevitably came.

Rosarno I went with John Kofi, one of the protagonists of the film, with Stefano Liberti, a friend with whom I shared many of my stories "African" and experienced journalist, Matthew Heat, co-director of photography for the film and Andrea Sabbadini, photographer. When we arrived we asked passers-by stood the Piria High School, the school where the screening was scheduled, and we started walking. We named Dean, who has asked to be punctual. At school, the Great Hall was already full of students and citizens, protected by members of the police and charged with expectation. After

a warm welcome and a brief introduction, the film began.

A few minutes from the end I did not know exactly what to expect. I was sitting next to Peppino Lavorato, former mayor of Rosarno, co-star of the film, he seemed more worried about me. Not told me, but the impression is that he feared boos and protests. But with his great surprise and happiness of myself, the passing of the first credits, the room was filled with a strong and lively applause, but it could not last long.

A few seconds later, the Dean Russo, the applause has stopped talking to the microphone in the middle of the classroom:

"This is only one truth. But we know that there is another, that of Rosarno for good, open and supportive dialogue that builds and reception. And now we show our video, which highlights this truth. "

The stone was launched. The director had used the newsworthiness of the negative face of the community against Rosarno rosarnese betrayed and hurt, and now the community could and had to claim his positive face, denouncing the unfairness and the cleverness of the director "foreigner".

There was no other issue than that.

I have tried since the first response suggest a shift of attention to the content and practices common to be activated together, locally and nationally,

because violence and injustices are not repeated.

I tried to explain my point of view: first Rosarno was left alone to face a complex phenomenon and can not be solved with the only instruments of a small country already overwhelmed by a severe economic crisis and the political and social power the 'Ndrangheta.

was subsequently used as a case on which to grow the national consensus for repressive measures against immigration.

Rosarnesi A large part of itself has no guilt, but not why should not overlook the enormous injustice in the Plain of Rosarno for at least fifteen years by hundreds of honest foreign workers.

I tried, but it was not easy. The questions were almost the same. Two hours of debate, all aimed at criticizing or defending the director and the image he had provided Rosarno, "our Rosarno.

attention more easily understandable and inevitable, but at the same time produces distraction from what could become, in these occasions but the real growth medium common: the exchange of knowledge.

exchange between those who live the daily life of a place, who has the skills to try to tell from the outside and the outside world and, in our case, even a stranger to the community who has lived tensions and contradictions.

We were all there on Saturday morning in Rosario: Rosarnesi the (many and careful), Stefano Liberati and I (for ten years researchers and narrators of the migration), Milled Pepper, a former mayor, and we also John Kofi worker from Ghana who was returning with great anticipation to meet the community where he lived for two winters inhuman living conditions, labor exploitation and gratuitous violence of the mafia. John took the floor shortly after the screening of the video. He said two things clear:

"I am here in Rosario have suffered injustice and violation of my dignity, but I know that in Rosario there are many good people and I believe that together, united, we can end the violence and injustice that occurred in previous years. " And he He added "demonstrations erupted last year because we felt great anger inside, but I ask anyway sorry for the damage they have caused.


Clear messages and anything but obvious, that arose from sincere hope and desire for dialogue and collaboration.

John has been applauded, but then forgotten.


la processione di interventi pro o contro il regista, pro o contro l'immagine di Rosarno raffigurata dal regista, nessuno si è preoccupato di tradurre in inglese per John , nessuno gli ha posto domande. John avrebbe dovuto essere il contenuto di cui occuparsi, l'oggetto e il soggetto della conoscenza; invece è stato dimenticato. Peccato.

Di fronte a questa situazione ho cercato, nel rispetto di un'esigenza difensiva che capivo e capisco tutt'ora, di proporre terreni di scambio e dialogo più concreti e più importanti del dibattito sull'immagine di Rosarno. Meglio di me ha fatto Peppino Lavorato.

Siamo partiti by a very simple concept: injustice and violence we have been. And have a great primary cause of the crushing economic and social life of Rosarno, encouraging clashes between the lower classes Piana: the 'Ndrangheta.

must recognize this cause and take steps to counter it effectively, without wasting too much time on images and representations. In doing so it is necessary to recognize the role

explosive and revealing that he had the rebellion of foreign workers who are victims of exploitation and violence.

Some of our invitations were accepted, while others simply avoided.

Therefore, in the hope that la proiezione di sabato de

Il Sangue Verde segni l'inizio di un confronto più pragmatico sulla questione del bracciantato straniero nella Piana di Gioia Tauro, scrivo questa lettera per rilanciare quattro inviti:


Utilizzare le tante energie positive e la grande attenzione degli studenti rosarnesi su questo tema, per attivare un osservatorio libero, indipendente e non strutturato su quanto governi locali e nazionali sapranno fare per migliorare le condizioni di vita dei braccianti stranieri e contemporaneamente per tutelare gli interessi economici dei proprietari terrieri onesti. Il sito del film può ospitare , come luogo free and not subject to any local interest, news from Rosarno on this issue. Some examples to understand: it established a mediation center between supply and demand work with cultural mediators and interpreters? How does it work? Provides facilities to access decent housing solutions? (*) Checks are made in the workplace? Processes are activated to prevent the continued devaluation of the selling prices of foodstuffs?

The collection of this data is not easy for us this film we can provide contacts with researchers and journalists are able to provide training to students and citizens of Rosarno.


do a mapping of existing Rosarno concrete steps to build a community more open to dialogue and knowledge with foreigners. Although this mapping can be hosted on our site, besides being able to be translated and distributed to foreigners arriving or already present in the Plains.


Strengthening public schools in the moments of encounter with the older generation who can tell the story of the struggle of the movements of local laborers on the one hand and the migration experiences of the other.


And finally, but perhaps the strongest proposal, to award the prize Valarioti (**) to foreign workers who rebelled against the violence of 'Ndrangheta and conditions of labor exploitation. Doing it with a public ceremony in January 2011 as the first note of the new City Council after years of receivership for the Mafia.

Rosarno I'm sure there are the positive energy needed to start these routes and make these decisions. It sono sicuro perché le ho viste sabato mattina e le ho incontrate anche nei viaggi passati.

Ma ne sono sicuro pur non accettando in alcun modo di poter tacere il potere economico e politico della 'ndrangheta a Rosarno. E ne sono sicuro pur mantenendo ferma la convinzione che a Rosarno, per oltre dieci anni, decine di onesti lavoratori sono stati trattati in modo disumano e ingiusto, diventando oggetto di intimidazioni e violenze di chiaro stampo mafioso e razzista, di fronte alle quali hanno prima cercato invano di alzare denunce civili e poi hanno fatto esplodere una rabbia forse esagerata, ma assolutamente condivisibile.

From all that anger I think Italy has a lot to learn, even to give an answer to the populist and xenophobic hypocrisy with which the national government and much of the Italian political class were first hidden and then exploited by the media of social tensions Rosarno.

Rage that we can not afford not to listen, because it can say many things that too many Italians do not have the courage or the opportunity to speak.

As I said with great sincerity, a young student I met in Rosario that night after the screening.


You do not know - I said - How many of us rosarnesi suffer intimidation and violence or the like without being able to react. Africans have done what we do not have the courage to do or because we are afraid or because we no longer hope



- I asked -

to school this morning because you do not have spoke with John? It was a great occasion, is not it? "

" Wow, you're right. I never thought of. We had to do it. But we were all prepared to defend Rosarno. You do not know what we were tense. We knew it would come the director who had criticized our country and we had to fight back to defend. So we were told. I just thought this way and I think we missed some opportunities. "

A little 'I think so and I am sorry that has been poured on the students this kind of tension without thinking about the possible negative impact on processes of knowledge activated in times like these.

But at the same time I also believe that the opportunity has not been entirely lost, indeed. I think the intensity and animosity of the morning may be increase energy and desire for change in a position to meet the anger of Africans by building a Rosarno better for everyone, not only for the few, usually privileged.

why I wanted to write this letter.

Andrea Segre

(*) There are already dozens of Africans in Rosario who work occasionally in the countryside and living in old houses and dilapidated shacks of center in conditions totally unacceptable. We have known and met them. We can not hide.

(**) Valarioti Peppino was a leader of the PCI brutally killed by the 'Ndrangheta in Rosario in 1980.

Valarioti Award has been given for years in Rosario to persons who have distinguished themselves for their work against the 'Ndrangheta.


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