la serata del 25 ottobre è andata molto bene, la sala era piena, nonostante la pioggia e il Milan in tv, come ha detto Alessandra dell'ufficio stampa del Mexico.
I ragazzi, Zongo and Abram, as they say .. have split! Are now run-in "war machines"!
They took the contacts with Fabrizio, such as the Via Campesina, who yesterday was in Brussels for the CAP also bringing their cases. However you like them, we are pleased that as well. That the network thickens!
Zongo Ex Canapificio invited us and in turn would come and visit us in our space, we left a book in which some of us have worked to bring in Caserta.
really enjoyed the film and moved, others have asked how to repeat the initiative.
We brought home a successful evening, received praise and approval for the seriousness of the promotion and organization, not obvious when working in total self-management.
Unfortunately we have not fully enjoyed the joy of the event, Saturday night and tried to set fire to the headquarters of our space. The damage was substantial, although not irreversible, and certainly left us with much sadness and anger.
This, written at speed, for the moment, the story of the fire has taken away time and energy.
Best wishes,
spero di risentirvi presto
Laura I found his wallet, and that evening I saw a film in Mexico in Milan, the cinema that is (almost always) a guarantee. It was "The Blood
Verde" premiered in Venice and I lost it when they broadcast on RAI 3 which co-produces. I was delighted to see him on the big screen, in an event organized by La Terra Trema , group reflection and action on issues of nutrition, agriculture and breeding.
The film made me think back to the boy in the afternoon and ashamed of being Italian, and perhaps even human. The director tells Andrea Segre humanely Rosarno the facts of a few months ago. The viewpoint is that of labor, Smart black guys but that does not speak English or French and Italian (you know, it happens). The film wisely
What the film says is that globalization confronts us with problems of communication that takes advantage of someone, perhaps being born a racist Italian DOP. For the first time I had before me two new Italians who demanded dignity only as laborers and diggers. It was disheartening to hear people say things like "It's not fair that we are being abused because they do a tough job that no one else wants to do, but it is also necessary. We work, we are doing the good of Italy. And if we only pay 25 euro per day not even worth of work ... and we can not send money to our family "(you understood aspirational television that allows the stupid to judge these people and less about their project the shame of poverty with which the TV Berlusconi watered Italy. And still the children: "I've never stayed in Africa on the ground and no heating." And the dumb Italian neorazzista justify their racism by the old cliché that in Africa still live on trees). But nothing but jungle, many of these children run away from the war (post-colonialism), for example when the mother of a young man present at the cinema said "They've killed your father and your brother ... With impulsive character that you can make a one thing, for my peace of mind: go. " And he is finished in Rosario.

RADIO Pavlov
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