Monday, March 14, 2011

Cheats For Fire Red On Pc

Ho visto...

Okay, il mio tedesco - bene o male - ha retto. Okay, mi sono reso complice dell'assassinio di Diosolosa quanti suini. Okay, ho fatto "indigestione" da birra. Insomma: sono ancora intero.

Sei piani di libreria. Librerie OVUNQUE. Lettori che NON si credono eroi solo perchè hanno un libro sotto mano. Postazioni per leggere. Librai e non commessi. E scaffali. Scaffali MERAVIGLIOSI. Ho visto una donna allattare un bambino in libreria. Niente sconti. E NESSUNO che si sognava di chiederli. Hardcover che costavano anche 28 - 29 euro, paperback a 9 - 10. E persone che compravano libri A MAZZI. COMITIVE di ragazzi e ragazze, uomini e donne, vecchi e giovani, che si consigliavano, discutevano, parlavano di LIBRI.

Che genere di libri?


no distinction.

In Germany there is the SF. The real one, with ideas, ideas monstrous. Diocristo I read the back covers and a face I had to worry so much upset by the bookseller. And then there are thrillers. Thriller with controcazzi. Why? Because publishers can rely on a bunch of readers who do not go to war with each other and are damn OPEN to any new and - at the same time - also appreciate books which, though not original to say glowing things so different. CONSEQUENTLY, IT IS SEIZED. Psychothriller, Krimi, Crime. There are novels-novels. Erotic novels. Novels of the day. Biographies of people uncomfortable. I seen at least ten different books written by former soldiers in Afghanistan (this is democracy, how many there are in Italy? yet we have had more deaths than the Germans at the front, right?). Illustrated books, in piles and beautiful.

And the Italians?

Mafia. There is nothing more than that. Transfigured in the Mafia game thriller - Italian or italotedeschi. Other? No, there are even more books about Berlusconi. Before you laugh now ZERO.

I am convinced that the degree of civilization of a people see how these books.

[To be continued (maybe)]


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