Monday, March 7, 2011

Lacrosse Helmets Visor

Quando giochi allo Yankee Stadium, beh...

There are people you meet and you do not leave anything. Really nothing. Maybe I'll talk for hours, exchanging ideas, words, thoughts. And finally ... nada.
I know that if I were a better person than what I am able to appreciate everyone. I could see in everyone something important. Unfortunately, I can rarely. To hit people should have ... something. Stephen King would call it "The Shining". I call it talent.
I have a very low threshold of reactivity to boredom, and just the slightest thing annoys me. Talented people irritate me maybe, maybe make me feel in awe, but never, never bore me. Never disappoint me. And always, always, I am rich. You do not need to know live this kind of people. It is often impossible to do. Think Saramago, Borges, Lovecraft in: they are dead, but every time you meet them have something to teach.

I had the good fortune to meet many talented people. One of these has become a friend who is teaching me a lot. If I have a Dirven, if you know the most important, I would say perseverance.

So now not only are very happy for her, but I take the lesson and put in the safe .


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