Ozzy Osbourne - Let It Die
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Show Me How To Do Scorpion
Each time this blog touches the topic "Internet" or "ebook" is hell breaks loose underwater. In other words, trolleggia in joy. Now the trolls have realized that there is no tripe for cats, so 'prefer to place their comments in older posts, which are in moderation, so as to break the balls to myself without being slaughtered by you people blog-readers. Clever, no?
most interesting about this is half of the self that emerges from such conduct. Internet comes to the Internet. It is enough. Even the "pedantic" by Manzoni had come about. Is not it so funny? I very, very much.
Di più?
Di più.
Trovo che la modalità di discussione internettesca, sia terrificante: non è discussione, è proselitismo. C'è qualocosa di peggio del proselitismo? Non credo. Mi tocca quindi ribadirlo: qui, in questo posto virtuale, non si fa proselitismo. Qui c'è un tizio (il sottoscritto) che esprime le sue idee ed è ben contento di sentire quelle altrui. Il sottoscritto cerca di comprendere (che è diverso da "capire", etimologicamente parlando) e spera che anche voialtri cerchiate di fare lo stesso. Se poi le nostre idee sono diverse, o inconciliabili, siccome non sono San Paolo, è inutile che sprechiate il vostro tempo a cercare di convertirmi. La mia risposta è always the middle finger raised.
E Saint Paul wrote at least better than you.
Here you can read a nice interview with Lara (those of you who have read Sopdet? What do you think? Soon come back to that book, because it seems indicative of many things). At one point, Lara talks about her favorite writers. It strange to be in the midst of some monsters ...
There are satisfactions that I'd like to share with you. So much pleasure, but there is no need to publish them here. We say that those who are on FB, you know. Anyway you know that I dedicate.
Colonel Qaddafi has sent me a text message, yesterday (as you know io pubblicato per Mondadori - come non fa che ripetere certa gente - è OVVIO che io conosca Gheddy), ve lo riporto: "Ho letto tuo post di oggi: IGNORANT'! Internet è un'ARMA devastante! TU non sai quanto mi sto cagando sotto per tutte le hate mail che mi stanno arrivando!"
Each time this blog touches the topic "Internet" or "ebook" is hell breaks loose underwater. In other words, trolleggia in joy. Now the trolls have realized that there is no tripe for cats, so 'prefer to place their comments in older posts, which are in moderation, so as to break the balls to myself without being slaughtered by you people blog-readers. Clever, no?
most interesting about this is half of the self that emerges from such conduct. Internet comes to the Internet. It is enough. Even the "pedantic" by Manzoni had come about. Is not it so funny? I very, very much.
Di più?
Di più.
Trovo che la modalità di discussione internettesca, sia terrificante: non è discussione, è proselitismo. C'è qualocosa di peggio del proselitismo? Non credo. Mi tocca quindi ribadirlo: qui, in questo posto virtuale, non si fa proselitismo. Qui c'è un tizio (il sottoscritto) che esprime le sue idee ed è ben contento di sentire quelle altrui. Il sottoscritto cerca di comprendere (che è diverso da "capire", etimologicamente parlando) e spera che anche voialtri cerchiate di fare lo stesso. Se poi le nostre idee sono diverse, o inconciliabili, siccome non sono San Paolo, è inutile che sprechiate il vostro tempo a cercare di convertirmi. La mia risposta è always the middle finger raised.
E Saint Paul wrote at least better than you.
Here you can read a nice interview with Lara (those of you who have read Sopdet? What do you think? Soon come back to that book, because it seems indicative of many things). At one point, Lara talks about her favorite writers. It strange to be in the midst of some monsters ...
There are satisfactions that I'd like to share with you. So much pleasure, but there is no need to publish them here. We say that those who are on FB, you know. Anyway you know that I dedicate.
Colonel Qaddafi has sent me a text message, yesterday (as you know io pubblicato per Mondadori - come non fa che ripetere certa gente - è OVVIO che io conosca Gheddy), ve lo riporto: "Ho letto tuo post di oggi: IGNORANT'! Internet è un'ARMA devastante! TU non sai quanto mi sto cagando sotto per tutte le hate mail che mi stanno arrivando!"
How To Draw Maxine Jokes
Benvenuti nel mio film
Si dice (giustamente) che i libri sono un po’ le fotografie dell’autore nel momento in cui li ha scritti. Mi rendo conto che il W sia, ormai (per me) una foto tutto sommato ingiallita, di quelle buffe che ogni tanto capitano sottomano. Avete presente? IO, IO, ho indossato QUELLA roba lì? Oh yes.
Leggere in sequenza ciò che ho scritto dal W in poi è un po’ come guardare un film al slow (there are too few frames) to see where I came. Oh, impossible to say where I'll go, but I begin to see that there is a thread that connects my stuff.
The other day I had confirmation.
Remember I said that true freedom of the Internet is not the time to say 'Hey, listen to what I say, "but to say' Shut the fuck up I want to hear something other than your crap?". Here, I continue the conversation with a new corollary. Privilege of Power, in the twenty-first century is to remain opaque to a transparent world.
the other day (not just yesterday) I met a person. Although our ideas are far apart, I made a good impression. He was prepared, curious, ironic in an "old style" - that is not offensive. And as "curiosity" is my third name, once back home I tried to find his name on Google. I wanted to see who the hell I had to do. This person performs an important public office, and I thought: why not?
And here I pause a moment.
Have you ever tried to find your name on Google? I do. What concerned me a lot of space (the first time I was really amazed), but a careful reading, one realizes the paradox Internettesco for excellence: There is a fake plurality. I mean, come on, take the reviews and comments to the W - are written with the copy machine (but are blogghettari of Electric Sheep?) And this goes for any search you do. The copy / paste is not culture. Access to culture is not synonymous with progress, maybe it was. And do not be
Eco to understand it.
But that is what we need to pause, give a tube of what is written about me, is an example. It applies to everyone, not just those who (in his small) is a public figure. Bureaucratic documents, curricula, Facebook. Everything is online. Summary trasparenza.Provate with your name or any other term that comes to mente. Contate quanti risultati (comprese false piste, omonimi e via così). Fatelo, per favore e poi tornate qui.
Un sacco di risultati,giusto?
Ecco, quel signore di cui sopra, aveva sei risultati.
Adesso sapete cos’è il vero potere. Adesso sapete la differenza fra conoscenza e accesso.
Benvenuti nel mio film.
Si dice (giustamente) che i libri sono un po’ le fotografie dell’autore nel momento in cui li ha scritti. Mi rendo conto che il W sia, ormai (per me) una foto tutto sommato ingiallita, di quelle buffe che ogni tanto capitano sottomano. Avete presente? IO, IO, ho indossato QUELLA roba lì? Oh yes.
Leggere in sequenza ciò che ho scritto dal W in poi è un po’ come guardare un film al slow (there are too few frames) to see where I came. Oh, impossible to say where I'll go, but I begin to see that there is a thread that connects my stuff.
The other day I had confirmation.
Remember I said that true freedom of the Internet is not the time to say 'Hey, listen to what I say, "but to say' Shut the fuck up I want to hear something other than your crap?". Here, I continue the conversation with a new corollary. Privilege of Power, in the twenty-first century is to remain opaque to a transparent world.
the other day (not just yesterday) I met a person. Although our ideas are far apart, I made a good impression. He was prepared, curious, ironic in an "old style" - that is not offensive. And as "curiosity" is my third name, once back home I tried to find his name on Google. I wanted to see who the hell I had to do. This person performs an important public office, and I thought: why not?
And here I pause a moment.
Have you ever tried to find your name on Google? I do. What concerned me a lot of space (the first time I was really amazed), but a careful reading, one realizes the paradox Internettesco for excellence: There is a fake plurality. I mean, come on, take the reviews and comments to the W - are written with the copy machine (but are blogghettari of Electric Sheep?) And this goes for any search you do. The copy / paste is not culture. Access to culture is not synonymous with progress, maybe it was. And do not be
Eco to understand it.
But that is what we need to pause, give a tube of what is written about me, is an example. It applies to everyone, not just those who (in his small) is a public figure. Bureaucratic documents, curricula, Facebook. Everything is online. Summary trasparenza.Provate with your name or any other term that comes to mente. Contate quanti risultati (comprese false piste, omonimi e via così). Fatelo, per favore e poi tornate qui.
Un sacco di risultati,giusto?
Ecco, quel signore di cui sopra, aveva sei risultati.
Adesso sapete cos’è il vero potere. Adesso sapete la differenza fra conoscenza e accesso.
Benvenuti nel mio film.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Lowes Candle Chandelier
Sono due le cose che abbiamo imparato (spero) da quanto sta accadendo in Nord Africa.
Primo: la Rete è una bufala. Non è niente di nuovo. Chi come me si è trovato in situazioni “critiche” sa benissimo che la prima cosa che salta è la Rete (telefonini compresi). Voglio dire: pretend to be a dictator (or a figure like that) you do, let your opponents be able to communicate freely? Come on ...
In other words, the fight is analog, not digital.
Second, when you reach the end of the game that matters is the army. Weapons. I've always said that the abolition of conscription has been a huge crap because it turns the popular army weapon (albeit with great pain in the ass, I know, I have also been conscripted) into a weapon of the faithful the government. Today I repeat. Without the weapons do not do anything. That's why we must use the space for maneuver prior to the use of arms. Or farsi crescere un pelo così sullo stomaco e dire “sono pronto a morire per il futuro dei miei simili”.
In bocca al lupo.
In più ho un’annotazione. Il commento più diffuso, riguardo a quello che sta succedendo, è “Perfino loro sono riusciti a eliminare Gheddafi/Mubarak/etc, noi invece abbiamo ancora…”. Sono io l’unico che in una simile affermazione nota un certo razzismo? Cos’è “loro” sono bestie?
Sono due le cose che abbiamo imparato (spero) da quanto sta accadendo in Nord Africa.
Primo: la Rete è una bufala. Non è niente di nuovo. Chi come me si è trovato in situazioni “critiche” sa benissimo che la prima cosa che salta è la Rete (telefonini compresi). Voglio dire: pretend to be a dictator (or a figure like that) you do, let your opponents be able to communicate freely? Come on ...
In other words, the fight is analog, not digital.
Second, when you reach the end of the game that matters is the army. Weapons. I've always said that the abolition of conscription has been a huge crap because it turns the popular army weapon (albeit with great pain in the ass, I know, I have also been conscripted) into a weapon of the faithful the government. Today I repeat. Without the weapons do not do anything. That's why we must use the space for maneuver prior to the use of arms. Or farsi crescere un pelo così sullo stomaco e dire “sono pronto a morire per il futuro dei miei simili”.
In bocca al lupo.
In più ho un’annotazione. Il commento più diffuso, riguardo a quello che sta succedendo, è “Perfino loro sono riusciti a eliminare Gheddafi/Mubarak/etc, noi invece abbiamo ancora…”. Sono io l’unico che in una simile affermazione nota un certo razzismo? Cos’è “loro” sono bestie?
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Di merci e utopie
Nei commenti al post di ieri è venuto fuori uno spunto molto (almeno per me) interessante su un argomento che mi sta molto a cuore: Lenin. Ovvero: sul Mercato.
Mi pare che sia ormai clear that the 'means of production "no longer exist. Not in the West, at least. Have been "outsourced" to countries (like China) where the work "human" is worth less than a head of lettuce. Rights zero, zero wages, break the balls and you're dead. The reason is simple: you gain more of what Marx called the "added value". The real money you make doing "business" and not "doors and windows." What then are virtual money, which at the historic first shock if they go to hell, well, as Kissinger said in the long run we are all dead. " And I said before financing the Taliban running anti-Soviet.
return to us. Everything is considered "culture / entertainment" part of this game. I think you are following me so far.
But how does the market?
In the eighties, both publishers and those of production (film or music that was) trying desperately bestselleraro. King. Grisham. But Eco, if we are talking about Italy. The last one was Brizzi. Then, at some point they realized one thing: you could do sooo much more money by creating niche within a niche: fragmenting the market. Why? Why are advanced on a King novel that was 40 million copies were staggering. Much easier to create many small King instead of 10000 copies of each and pay them a pinch of snuff. If you do the math you realize that the gain is even greater. Also I can afford to create product with a low level of production, spending even less. Remember the appearance of low-fi? remember grunge? Here, the stuff there.
Ninety Years have gone by, came new technologies which allow pirated products. And those who do so can be called "pirate" (sooo romantic, guys!) And above can have a driver's license "left", even "intellectual." Damn, you are called the Colossi Editorials / Musical, we have to give up! - So the Communists would like to think Job others. You can see who has not read Lenin.
Or maybe they do not know what are the means of production.
Now, Lenin said that communism + Marx was electricity and he was right. In this case, in our case the twenty-first century, those who have electricity? Also they, the Colossi. Which I have shown great capacity to collect and strokes, as in Judo, send them back to the sender without even sweating too much. Lenin knew this.
fragment, fragment and break up again. That is: to become even more "liquid". That is: give the illusion that the "self" is still possible - even "profitable." Fragment, not only invented the niche market niches, and continue to fragment, but saturate within a few months with products (paid zero) on the quality between the sad and very sad.
Back a noi, ed esco dalla metafora (mica tanto metafora). Si dice che l'ebook spazzerà via i Colossi. A casa mia sia chiama utopia. Peggio: malafede. L'ebook aumenta la frammentazione. Alla decima potenza. Tanti piccoli operai cinesi molto felici di essere tanti piccoli operai cinesi. Perchè? Perchè ormai non si compra più una "merce" si compra l'alienazione che quella merce ci fornisce, l'idea di noi stessi che quella merce ci dà. La migliore frammentazione possibile. Ti vendo un qualcosa di scadente non perchè tu la voglia, ma perchè tu vuoi sentirti "figo" o "bello" o... "avanti".
Si chiama: prendere l'alienazione delle merci e renderla redditizia.
Potrei andare avanti, ma vi lascio with a question: Who said that "communism is the Lenin + armored divisions?
Here: Because every time I speak of 'ste robe here I get tons of shit, you know that I will use the same criterion of the gentleman for not answering.
PS This is free speech.
Nei commenti al post di ieri è venuto fuori uno spunto molto (almeno per me) interessante su un argomento che mi sta molto a cuore: Lenin. Ovvero: sul Mercato.
Mi pare che sia ormai clear that the 'means of production "no longer exist. Not in the West, at least. Have been "outsourced" to countries (like China) where the work "human" is worth less than a head of lettuce. Rights zero, zero wages, break the balls and you're dead. The reason is simple: you gain more of what Marx called the "added value". The real money you make doing "business" and not "doors and windows." What then are virtual money, which at the historic first shock if they go to hell, well, as Kissinger said in the long run we are all dead. " And I said before financing the Taliban running anti-Soviet.
return to us. Everything is considered "culture / entertainment" part of this game. I think you are following me so far.
But how does the market?
In the eighties, both publishers and those of production (film or music that was) trying desperately bestselleraro. King. Grisham. But Eco, if we are talking about Italy. The last one was Brizzi. Then, at some point they realized one thing: you could do sooo much more money by creating niche within a niche: fragmenting the market. Why? Why are advanced on a King novel that was 40 million copies were staggering. Much easier to create many small King instead of 10000 copies of each and pay them a pinch of snuff. If you do the math you realize that the gain is even greater. Also I can afford to create product with a low level of production, spending even less. Remember the appearance of low-fi? remember grunge? Here, the stuff there.
Ninety Years have gone by, came new technologies which allow pirated products. And those who do so can be called "pirate" (sooo romantic, guys!) And above can have a driver's license "left", even "intellectual." Damn, you are called the Colossi Editorials / Musical, we have to give up! - So the Communists would like to think Job others. You can see who has not read Lenin.
Or maybe they do not know what are the means of production.
Now, Lenin said that communism + Marx was electricity and he was right. In this case, in our case the twenty-first century, those who have electricity? Also they, the Colossi. Which I have shown great capacity to collect and strokes, as in Judo, send them back to the sender without even sweating too much. Lenin knew this.
fragment, fragment and break up again. That is: to become even more "liquid". That is: give the illusion that the "self" is still possible - even "profitable." Fragment, not only invented the niche market niches, and continue to fragment, but saturate within a few months with products (paid zero) on the quality between the sad and very sad.
Back a noi, ed esco dalla metafora (mica tanto metafora). Si dice che l'ebook spazzerà via i Colossi. A casa mia sia chiama utopia. Peggio: malafede. L'ebook aumenta la frammentazione. Alla decima potenza. Tanti piccoli operai cinesi molto felici di essere tanti piccoli operai cinesi. Perchè? Perchè ormai non si compra più una "merce" si compra l'alienazione che quella merce ci fornisce, l'idea di noi stessi che quella merce ci dà. La migliore frammentazione possibile. Ti vendo un qualcosa di scadente non perchè tu la voglia, ma perchè tu vuoi sentirti "figo" o "bello" o... "avanti".
Si chiama: prendere l'alienazione delle merci e renderla redditizia.
Potrei andare avanti, ma vi lascio with a question: Who said that "communism is the Lenin + armored divisions?
Here: Because every time I speak of 'ste robe here I get tons of shit, you know that I will use the same criterion of the gentleman for not answering.
PS This is free speech.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Is Ice Cream Good For Heartburn
Libera vos ex Inferis
Last night I finished the beast. Three months. More than six hundred folders. I had always wondered how the hell did the "Grand Old Man" to make similar undertakings, and now I know: one word at a time, with obstinacy. At the risk of harming themselves.
The feelings are ambiguous. On the one hand I am proud, really. Other: well, not I think it will ever read. The beast is ... too. Too all the senses. I think I now understand how the head of the Market. I told you: there are these parts of the authors (and authors) than if they were born in California, Texas or (good Lord!) Ohio at this hour would see the green mice with a bunch of well- more famous colleagues. Until not too long ago when I received the mail of "aspiring" always I ended by saying "but it's worth it." Now I'm not sure anymore. Now I can see my little book published in the midst of the world (can not remember if I told you WKids, but the W will be released in Bulgaria) would say: write because writing is beautiful, but not published - ever.
Non serve a niente.
Mi spiego.
Fra le centomila cose che sto facendo in questo periodo ce ne è una di cui sono molto orgoglioso: leggo (e, ahimè, devo giudicare - cosa che elimina un po' il piacere della lettura) i racconti per il concorso Urban Gods organizzato da Writer's Dream. Fra questi racconti ce ne sono alcuni che dimostrano che il talento, in giro, c'è. E pure parecchio. L'underground è vivo e sta bene nonostante, in perfetto italian style, non sia supportato dal benchè minimo fandom - che poi è quella cosa che rende davvero viva una scena letteraria. Ma sul fandom parleremo un'altra volta. Concentriamoci su questo: il talento, le buone storie, ci sono. Manca esperienza, certo, and lacks a good editing, but it is obvious given the premises totally "underground" (a word that is very dear to me) of the project.
What is the problem then?
The problem is that, as I try, to know how many people in gear, I do not think of a who has the ability and willingness to do this kind of quantum leap that the narratives deserves. We have been successful in Sweden with noir (in Sweden). In France ... I tell you to do? We are succeeding in Germany (where writers are born with two balls so every three minutes - see Sebastian Fitzek and then tell me) and soon we will succeed even in Spain - at least from what they tell me my contacts (And I am proud of the fact that, in this sense, from those parts of the W has had its weight in the theme of "underground"). In Italy, in this infinite moment of stasis, no. None. After all, hey, you're talking to the one found next to the Geronimo Stilton books, right?
After the beast, now what?
First of all do a better reading. It is added here and there off. Will the weight the engine and gives a nice polished the bodywork. I'm sorry it's over, you know? We had a great time with the beast and I, really beautiful. Then I will read a few trusted reader, listen carefully to what I say, give a hammer here and there, I'll change the candles and I will clean up the carburetor, then I will send it to my agent who, shaking his head, lift up the phone and tell me "GL, okay, this book is crazy, but are you sure sure ...?" In the meantime, I'll finish reading the stories of WD, I'll take a few Allegra Mazza (and pay double - let this be known friends and neighbors listening ...), read some good books and start to take notes for the next novel. Novel of which you speak, but as I suspect, very few will read. There was a time this year that I was shown a question. "GL, you want to stop and make some sestertius or want to push on the accelerator and go the wonderful world of those who die with arrows in his back? "The answer was obvious: you see the cloud of dust?
Amen, boys and girls (especially of you are looking for and try to WD), let this be known. You write for themselves. You write because you need to. Because like it. Because it is a privilege for the few. And when you return to the world and who knows what you find on your usual desk, with the usual load of trouble, remember this: nobody, nobody, will succeed never to steal those perfect moments. And 'this, deep down, that makes sbarellare parasites that revolve around a book.
Last night I finished the beast. Three months. More than six hundred folders. I had always wondered how the hell did the "Grand Old Man" to make similar undertakings, and now I know: one word at a time, with obstinacy. At the risk of harming themselves.
The feelings are ambiguous. On the one hand I am proud, really. Other: well, not I think it will ever read. The beast is ... too. Too all the senses. I think I now understand how the head of the Market. I told you: there are these parts of the authors (and authors) than if they were born in California, Texas or (good Lord!) Ohio at this hour would see the green mice with a bunch of well- more famous colleagues. Until not too long ago when I received the mail of "aspiring" always I ended by saying "but it's worth it." Now I'm not sure anymore. Now I can see my little book published in the midst of the world (can not remember if I told you WKids, but the W will be released in Bulgaria) would say: write because writing is beautiful, but not published - ever.
Non serve a niente.
Mi spiego.
Fra le centomila cose che sto facendo in questo periodo ce ne è una di cui sono molto orgoglioso: leggo (e, ahimè, devo giudicare - cosa che elimina un po' il piacere della lettura) i racconti per il concorso Urban Gods organizzato da Writer's Dream. Fra questi racconti ce ne sono alcuni che dimostrano che il talento, in giro, c'è. E pure parecchio. L'underground è vivo e sta bene nonostante, in perfetto italian style, non sia supportato dal benchè minimo fandom - che poi è quella cosa che rende davvero viva una scena letteraria. Ma sul fandom parleremo un'altra volta. Concentriamoci su questo: il talento, le buone storie, ci sono. Manca esperienza, certo, and lacks a good editing, but it is obvious given the premises totally "underground" (a word that is very dear to me) of the project.
What is the problem then?
The problem is that, as I try, to know how many people in gear, I do not think of a who has the ability and willingness to do this kind of quantum leap that the narratives deserves. We have been successful in Sweden with noir (in Sweden). In France ... I tell you to do? We are succeeding in Germany (where writers are born with two balls so every three minutes - see Sebastian Fitzek and then tell me) and soon we will succeed even in Spain - at least from what they tell me my contacts (And I am proud of the fact that, in this sense, from those parts of the W has had its weight in the theme of "underground"). In Italy, in this infinite moment of stasis, no. None. After all, hey, you're talking to the one found next to the Geronimo Stilton books, right?
After the beast, now what?
First of all do a better reading. It is added here and there off. Will the weight the engine and gives a nice polished the bodywork. I'm sorry it's over, you know? We had a great time with the beast and I, really beautiful. Then I will read a few trusted reader, listen carefully to what I say, give a hammer here and there, I'll change the candles and I will clean up the carburetor, then I will send it to my agent who, shaking his head, lift up the phone and tell me "GL, okay, this book is crazy, but are you sure sure ...?" In the meantime, I'll finish reading the stories of WD, I'll take a few Allegra Mazza (and pay double - let this be known friends and neighbors listening ...), read some good books and start to take notes for the next novel. Novel of which you speak, but as I suspect, very few will read. There was a time this year that I was shown a question. "GL, you want to stop and make some sestertius or want to push on the accelerator and go the wonderful world of those who die with arrows in his back? "The answer was obvious: you see the cloud of dust?
Amen, boys and girls (especially of you are looking for and try to WD), let this be known. You write for themselves. You write because you need to. Because like it. Because it is a privilege for the few. And when you return to the world and who knows what you find on your usual desk, with the usual load of trouble, remember this: nobody, nobody, will succeed never to steal those perfect moments. And 'this, deep down, that makes sbarellare parasites that revolve around a book.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
What Are Short Term Effects Of Syphilis
I'm tired, boys and girls. Tired as hell.
not (Only) a physical fatigue. E 'weariness, Cioran would say, of the spirit.
If you are physically tired, you sleep, you rest. Are you tired mentally unwind, read something, watch a movie.
But if it is the spirit that cracks? what?
If every time someone crosses can not do it, just can not do it, see it as a human being?
If every time you speak you are sick and would prefer to shut up, what?
If you do not see behind every trick now even more evil, but a sad idiot, what are you doing? If
behind the idiocy, the emptiness of the cunning that you do not see anything, what are you doing?
If you see that no, there is no possibility of get out, you can not get out because the rules have already been made, what are you doing? If you see that the weak
ENJOYS being trampled on, what are you doing? If
when someone tells you "fight" makes you want to crush it in blood, you do?
If and when someone tells you he says and says and says ... what are you doing? If
I'm tired. Terribly, terribly tired.
I'm tired, boys and girls. Tired as hell.
not (Only) a physical fatigue. E 'weariness, Cioran would say, of the spirit.
If you are physically tired, you sleep, you rest. Are you tired mentally unwind, read something, watch a movie.
But if it is the spirit that cracks? what?
If every time someone crosses can not do it, just can not do it, see it as a human being?
If every time you speak you are sick and would prefer to shut up, what?
If you do not see behind every trick now even more evil, but a sad idiot, what are you doing? If
behind the idiocy, the emptiness of the cunning that you do not see anything, what are you doing?
If you see that no, there is no possibility of get out, you can not get out because the rules have already been made, what are you doing? If you see that the weak
ENJOYS being trampled on, what are you doing? If
when someone tells you "fight" makes you want to crush it in blood, you do?
If and when someone tells you he says and says and says ... what are you doing? If
I'm tired. Terribly, terribly tired.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Lugares Para Comprar Carros
Di cose sgradevoli sui libri (8 di 8)
It 's the player the center of the universe bookish. Always. The publishers intend nell'accezione the "customer" the writer "What you lose hours of my life behind my sink." If that sound trivial, then changed the word "player" with the word "man" and you will open up a world.
We got what we call writers typically climax. With an old-fashioned language, interrupting your reading notes in the footer of the useless [17] have triggered your curiosity. Breaking up the rhythm of the narrative (because everything is narration) have given way to the gracious note to follow (controversially) my digressions (which someone feels inconclusive [18]) to the point where I tell you, with a sinister trick postmodernism, which writing is an act of love.
Writing is always an act of love. Reading is an act of love. The practice of writing is a terrible exercise in sincerity against those who read it what a good book does is show us how, in every corner, in every condition, in sickness and in health, you and I, we live the same "us".
Because the real purpose of the literature, the index and the most terrible of his powers, is to demonstrate the futility of "them." [19] [20] [21]
[17] We fooled you again!
[18] But on the other hand, for some reason totally incomprehensible to me, not at all like the Heavy Metal, then Why should I do that?
[19] Note nineteen.
[20] I could not resist ...
[21] Thank you.
It 's the player the center of the universe bookish. Always. The publishers intend nell'accezione the "customer" the writer "What you lose hours of my life behind my sink." If that sound trivial, then changed the word "player" with the word "man" and you will open up a world.
We got what we call writers typically climax. With an old-fashioned language, interrupting your reading notes in the footer of the useless [17] have triggered your curiosity. Breaking up the rhythm of the narrative (because everything is narration) have given way to the gracious note to follow (controversially) my digressions (which someone feels inconclusive [18]) to the point where I tell you, with a sinister trick postmodernism, which writing is an act of love.
Writing is always an act of love. Reading is an act of love. The practice of writing is a terrible exercise in sincerity against those who read it what a good book does is show us how, in every corner, in every condition, in sickness and in health, you and I, we live the same "us".
Because the real purpose of the literature, the index and the most terrible of his powers, is to demonstrate the futility of "them." [19] [20] [21]
[17] We fooled you again!
[18] But on the other hand, for some reason totally incomprehensible to me, not at all like the Heavy Metal, then Why should I do that?
[19] Note nineteen.
[20] I could not resist ...
[21] Thank you.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Pokemon Red On My Mac
Di cose sgradevoli sui libri (7 di 8)
Understanding this, a writer can be a nasty shock. Forces to review their responsibilities. No more daddy to hide behind [12] need to build your own language. Their stories. And realize that the stories, the plots, they only have primacy over writing because only that way can I take the reader by the throat and offer what is the ultimate goal of Literature: Reality in an acid bath. It 's a healthy exercise in humility, because it puts your ego in second floor by placing the reader as a cornerstone around which to rotate its axis. This does not mean, mind you, place the player as unmoved mover of any text, simply take responsibility for what is said.
Why is the gap between literature and reality which arises what we actually perceive as "real." [13] The writers have forgotten that concept. Advertisers and politicians, no.
We started by the industry and we must return, albeit in a fast [14].
There is no text that is released from the mind of a single author. And this all along. Can we imagine Homer, Dante, Manzoni leggono ad alta voce (o inviano per posta) il proprio lavoro a qualcuno che reputavano in grado di suggerire tagli, accorgimenti e limature? Ecco, si chiama “editing”[15] . L’Editor, una figura a metà strada fra il meccanico e lo psicoterapeuta, è quel personaggio occulto di cui la critica e l’Accademia non si occupano mai. A torto. Senza editor i libri come li conosciamo non esistono. L’editor è una professione dura. Bisogna reggere le pressioni della Casa Editrice (il cui scopo è quello di fare soldi) e quello dell’autore (il cui scopo è quello di fare soldi, con il minor lavoro possibile) e conoscere, in maniera del tutto disincantata, quelle poche regolette che permettono ad un libro to capture the reader's attention being very careful not to change the style, the author's ideas. How to dance the tango on the crust of a frozen lake. [16]
[12], the undersigned, would like a euro for every time I see quoted Sanguineti, to name just one.
[13] What a horrible word!
[14] I understand to be abusing your patience, I hear someone who already clears his throat, looking around with some embarrassment.
[15] And two ...
[16] Using a Caterpillar as a partner.
Understanding this, a writer can be a nasty shock. Forces to review their responsibilities. No more daddy to hide behind [12] need to build your own language. Their stories. And realize that the stories, the plots, they only have primacy over writing because only that way can I take the reader by the throat and offer what is the ultimate goal of Literature: Reality in an acid bath. It 's a healthy exercise in humility, because it puts your ego in second floor by placing the reader as a cornerstone around which to rotate its axis. This does not mean, mind you, place the player as unmoved mover of any text, simply take responsibility for what is said.
Why is the gap between literature and reality which arises what we actually perceive as "real." [13] The writers have forgotten that concept. Advertisers and politicians, no.
We started by the industry and we must return, albeit in a fast [14].
There is no text that is released from the mind of a single author. And this all along. Can we imagine Homer, Dante, Manzoni leggono ad alta voce (o inviano per posta) il proprio lavoro a qualcuno che reputavano in grado di suggerire tagli, accorgimenti e limature? Ecco, si chiama “editing”[15] . L’Editor, una figura a metà strada fra il meccanico e lo psicoterapeuta, è quel personaggio occulto di cui la critica e l’Accademia non si occupano mai. A torto. Senza editor i libri come li conosciamo non esistono. L’editor è una professione dura. Bisogna reggere le pressioni della Casa Editrice (il cui scopo è quello di fare soldi) e quello dell’autore (il cui scopo è quello di fare soldi, con il minor lavoro possibile) e conoscere, in maniera del tutto disincantata, quelle poche regolette che permettono ad un libro to capture the reader's attention being very careful not to change the style, the author's ideas. How to dance the tango on the crust of a frozen lake. [16]
[12], the undersigned, would like a euro for every time I see quoted Sanguineti, to name just one.
[13] What a horrible word!
[14] I understand to be abusing your patience, I hear someone who already clears his throat, looking around with some embarrassment.
[15] And two ...
[16] Using a Caterpillar as a partner.
Car Accident January 16 2010 Muckleshoot
Monday, February 14, 2011
How To Do Performance Testing For Datawarhousing
Di cose sgradevoli sui libri (6 di 8)
Linguistic research understood as a phenomenon in itself (a monad terrible torments of literary Real Writers) takes us back to the Little Country. Known as a hearth to warm the heart and tell the same thing. Possibly with a plaintive tone, as the critical acclaim is almost never a success with the public [10]. The Little Country, in our case is the Italian language. Experience the Italian language. There is only one small problem (the leak in the roof of the hearth) and this hole has a name.
Goethe, who in terms of plot and language was second to none, had assumed the Weltliteratur, a literary world that embraces the myth, the styles and techniques so all these bad words [11] of the world. We are immersed. Everyone, no excluded, has more books in memory of foreigners by Italian authors. In the original language and more importantly read in translation. The last two generations of writers (there is often forgotten that the writer is first a reader) were trained on texts written in another language. It would be a very interesting study on relapse in Italian Tullio Dobner written translations of books by Stephen King. The
Weltliteratur scares. It is the hole in the ceiling. It forces us to take note of all of the literature.
No more loving homes, out there is the prairie.
[10] Various Prizes Letterari” (lo Strega, il Campiello…) non sono vinti da libri o da scrittori, ma da Case Editrici.
[11]che uno scrittore di genere (notate la minuscola) non dovrebbe citare.
Linguistic research understood as a phenomenon in itself (a monad terrible torments of literary Real Writers) takes us back to the Little Country. Known as a hearth to warm the heart and tell the same thing. Possibly with a plaintive tone, as the critical acclaim is almost never a success with the public [10]. The Little Country, in our case is the Italian language. Experience the Italian language. There is only one small problem (the leak in the roof of the hearth) and this hole has a name.
Goethe, who in terms of plot and language was second to none, had assumed the Weltliteratur, a literary world that embraces the myth, the styles and techniques so all these bad words [11] of the world. We are immersed. Everyone, no excluded, has more books in memory of foreigners by Italian authors. In the original language and more importantly read in translation. The last two generations of writers (there is often forgotten that the writer is first a reader) were trained on texts written in another language. It would be a very interesting study on relapse in Italian Tullio Dobner written translations of books by Stephen King. The
Weltliteratur scares. It is the hole in the ceiling. It forces us to take note of all of the literature.
No more loving homes, out there is the prairie.
[10] Various Prizes Letterari” (lo Strega, il Campiello…) non sono vinti da libri o da scrittori, ma da Case Editrici.
[11]che uno scrittore di genere (notate la minuscola) non dovrebbe citare.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Formal Wear For 6 Month Old
Mein Opa spielt Watten
Ieri sono andato alla manifestazione per le donne, qui a Bolzano. Il tempo non era dei migliori, c'era un'umidità bastarda che ve la raccomando. Ci sono andato con una delle persone più intelligenti (e incarognite) che conosco, un'amica sempre prodiga di ottimi consigli e spunti meravigliosi. E c'era un sacco di gente. Davvero un sacco. Occhio: stiamo parlando di Bolzano, ovvero la città che è riuscita a raffreddare anche i poveri Wu Ming (arrivarono a presentare Asce di Guerra cercando di, se non triggering an uproar, at least open a dialogue with the public - nada, at some point one of them "Well, if you want to talk about football ..." in practice the mystical yield). A lot of people in Bozen means a few hundred people. Many more than we expected, I for one. Men and women, young and old. He brought me up to see the morale of this participation, I hope he has the same effect done to you, if you're gone.
Uh, about that.
obvious that this was also a demonstration against Berlusconi. Sexism has always existed? Sure, but Berlusconi has institutionalized. Sad, how do you do fool the "frame", folks. Sexism is a highly political matter, come il 99% dei problemi pubblici, ragazzi. E' triste che, tristissimo, pensare che c'è chi si sottragga alle proprie responsabilità di cittadino dicendo "questo non mi interessa perchè è roba politica". E che cazzo dovrebbe essere pesca a strascico?
Ho detto cittadino, e lo ripeto. Questa era una manifestazione di cittadini.
Il cartello migliore, qui in Bozen, era "Mein Opa spielt Watten". Che potrei tradurre come "Mio nonno gioca a carte" (anche se in realtà, Watten è un gioco di carte tipico di queste parti, tipo la briscola altrove...).
Mi sono anche commosso. Sapete quando? Quando ho visto Lidia Menapace , un soldo di cacio di vecchietta, afferrare the microphone and respond in kind to the police asking to "allow free passage to those who wanted to go." Neck, Lidia, she had the handkerchief of the Partisan Republic Ossola.
Thank God some people never change.
Ieri sono andato alla manifestazione per le donne, qui a Bolzano. Il tempo non era dei migliori, c'era un'umidità bastarda che ve la raccomando. Ci sono andato con una delle persone più intelligenti (e incarognite) che conosco, un'amica sempre prodiga di ottimi consigli e spunti meravigliosi. E c'era un sacco di gente. Davvero un sacco. Occhio: stiamo parlando di Bolzano, ovvero la città che è riuscita a raffreddare anche i poveri Wu Ming (arrivarono a presentare Asce di Guerra cercando di, se non triggering an uproar, at least open a dialogue with the public - nada, at some point one of them "Well, if you want to talk about football ..." in practice the mystical yield). A lot of people in Bozen means a few hundred people. Many more than we expected, I for one. Men and women, young and old. He brought me up to see the morale of this participation, I hope he has the same effect done to you, if you're gone.
Uh, about that.
obvious that this was also a demonstration against Berlusconi. Sexism has always existed? Sure, but Berlusconi has institutionalized. Sad, how do you do fool the "frame", folks. Sexism is a highly political matter, come il 99% dei problemi pubblici, ragazzi. E' triste che, tristissimo, pensare che c'è chi si sottragga alle proprie responsabilità di cittadino dicendo "questo non mi interessa perchè è roba politica". E che cazzo dovrebbe essere pesca a strascico?
Ho detto cittadino, e lo ripeto. Questa era una manifestazione di cittadini.
Il cartello migliore, qui in Bozen, era "Mein Opa spielt Watten". Che potrei tradurre come "Mio nonno gioca a carte" (anche se in realtà, Watten è un gioco di carte tipico di queste parti, tipo la briscola altrove...).
Mi sono anche commosso. Sapete quando? Quando ho visto Lidia Menapace , un soldo di cacio di vecchietta, afferrare the microphone and respond in kind to the police asking to "allow free passage to those who wanted to go." Neck, Lidia, she had the handkerchief of the Partisan Republic Ossola.
Thank God some people never change.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Baby Emerald Tree Boas For Sale
I got to know Lara in many ways. Via mail, first by telephone and then, ultimately, live. We had dinner together several times, and sooner or later be able to convince her to jump in Bolzano (I'll try to build on his love for the lakes ... nothing can beat a mountain lake and an ice Forst!). There
We met, we gored (you had doubts?), we compared and we discussed a lot of things. Not just books, we are all human beings and as human beings we also have a wagon on which disperses our cocks. I mean, I can reasonably say that with Lara I twisted a beautiful friendship.
be friends in the fantastic world of publishing (which becomes more feeble and foolish with each passing day - enough to make you think to pack it with publications in the cellar and finally back to play for four friends and a lot of beer), it means mainly two things.
Coping and support.
meaningful comparisons: "Hey, would you like to read my stuff? Would you like to tell me what you think? ". Not enough? No, it's the hardest thing to do. Not only because the stab is always around the corner, but also because it's easier to find the answer is: "Everything beautiful beautiful." And believe bullshit like it's easy, believe me. With Lara, it is not. You see, Lara has a character all its own that, in practice, makes it my perfect opposite. I charged headlong? Lara reasons. I prepare the bombers? Lara asked me if I am sure that not enough a sniper. It 's so that Lara has helped me to understand 2146, for one thing.
sustain itself. It means "Hey, come on, we'll make it." It means "Hey, come on, is shit, but can not always be a shit, right?". Yes, I know, that's what friends do. But friends, trust an idiot, in the fantastic world of publishing, much like when it comes to state interests do not exist. Well, almost. It 's a world of shit smiles, handshakes bestowed with the same nonchalance of the pimps, the friendships that last moment of "I need a favor", false, careerism and hypocrisy, arrogance, unfulfilled promises e.. . Well, I think you will get the idea. Remember
Esbat? Esbat was one of the most interesting debuts of recent years. Do you know how to distinguish an interesting debut by crap? Simple. The crap is not perfect. Do not see any possibility of improvement. Do not you think "wait a few years and see that this combination." Today
Sopdet out. Read it. In a perfect world, if Lara was called Jimmy or Jane or Betty, there would be hordes of readers waiting for days like this. But, you know, the rest of us assholes Italians have to climb Everest with a truck full of lead ingots on the back to get the minimum consideration (by the public, but - even worse - especially the publishing houses) belongs to us. And thanks to this scum that clogs the libraries without talent and professionalism that no EC treat you like the last pieces of shit ...
...Sopdet, dicevo. Io l’ho già letto e sono molto felice di averlo fatto. Non voglio anticiparvi niente se non che non resterete delusi (c’è un personaggio, nel libro, che ho invidiato a Lara – a voi indovinare quale), è un bel libro. E' un gran bel libro. Lara si è lasciata andare, c'è molta più ambizione, gli orizzonti si sono allargati e... Beh, vi dico solo questo: confrontatelo con Esbat. Poi sappiatemi dire.

I got to know Lara in many ways. Via mail, first by telephone and then, ultimately, live. We had dinner together several times, and sooner or later be able to convince her to jump in Bolzano (I'll try to build on his love for the lakes ... nothing can beat a mountain lake and an ice Forst!). There
We met, we gored (you had doubts?), we compared and we discussed a lot of things. Not just books, we are all human beings and as human beings we also have a wagon on which disperses our cocks. I mean, I can reasonably say that with Lara I twisted a beautiful friendship.
be friends in the fantastic world of publishing (which becomes more feeble and foolish with each passing day - enough to make you think to pack it with publications in the cellar and finally back to play for four friends and a lot of beer), it means mainly two things.
Coping and support.
meaningful comparisons: "Hey, would you like to read my stuff? Would you like to tell me what you think? ". Not enough? No, it's the hardest thing to do. Not only because the stab is always around the corner, but also because it's easier to find the answer is: "Everything beautiful beautiful." And believe bullshit like it's easy, believe me. With Lara, it is not. You see, Lara has a character all its own that, in practice, makes it my perfect opposite. I charged headlong? Lara reasons. I prepare the bombers? Lara asked me if I am sure that not enough a sniper. It 's so that Lara has helped me to understand 2146, for one thing.
sustain itself. It means "Hey, come on, we'll make it." It means "Hey, come on, is shit, but can not always be a shit, right?". Yes, I know, that's what friends do. But friends, trust an idiot, in the fantastic world of publishing, much like when it comes to state interests do not exist. Well, almost. It 's a world of shit smiles, handshakes bestowed with the same nonchalance of the pimps, the friendships that last moment of "I need a favor", false, careerism and hypocrisy, arrogance, unfulfilled promises e.. . Well, I think you will get the idea. Remember
Esbat? Esbat was one of the most interesting debuts of recent years. Do you know how to distinguish an interesting debut by crap? Simple. The crap is not perfect. Do not see any possibility of improvement. Do not you think "wait a few years and see that this combination." Today
Sopdet out. Read it. In a perfect world, if Lara was called Jimmy or Jane or Betty, there would be hordes of readers waiting for days like this. But, you know, the rest of us assholes Italians have to climb Everest with a truck full of lead ingots on the back to get the minimum consideration (by the public, but - even worse - especially the publishing houses) belongs to us. And thanks to this scum that clogs the libraries without talent and professionalism that no EC treat you like the last pieces of shit ...
...Sopdet, dicevo. Io l’ho già letto e sono molto felice di averlo fatto. Non voglio anticiparvi niente se non che non resterete delusi (c’è un personaggio, nel libro, che ho invidiato a Lara – a voi indovinare quale), è un bel libro. E' un gran bel libro. Lara si è lasciata andare, c'è molta più ambizione, gli orizzonti si sono allargati e... Beh, vi dico solo questo: confrontatelo con Esbat. Poi sappiatemi dire.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Pokemon Heart Gold How To Get Arceus
Di cose sgradevoli sui libri (5 di 8)
Una delle accuse rivolte alla letteratura moderna è quella di eccedere in affabulazione. Bersagli di queste affermazioni sono gli scrittori di genere rei di pensare troppo alla “trama” e troppo poco al linguaggio [6] . Nulla di più falso. As already Pasolini [7], the writer must use the "mimesis." The language must be subordinate to the plot. And that goes for any text, even among the oldest. The triplet
Dante is perhaps an example of mimicry? The dazzling stylistic insights Leopards are they not an example of a camouflaged language [8] in the plot and the plot are due [9]
The narration (that permeates every corner of our existence) requires by its very nature of a research language invisible. The more the author is aware, the more this kind of research is at its power, the less he understands more the language will not take off the plot. I realize that I seem more complicated than they are and try to simplify. If a writer has to describe a certain scene, a mood, a landscape or whatever you like, have to choose the exact language to evoke the emotion that the reader has in mind to explore (the books are travel , right?).
So why the "real language" so successful (critical)?
Why is reassuring.
[6] In fact these criminals are not even mentionned in Literature.
[7] Pasolini is not the only one to speak of "Mimesis" (I do in the ethological sense, actually - like the feathers of the quail for instance) but it is very true intellectual mention one of the most overrated thinkers of the twentieth century and since I know from experience that the notes at the bottom of the page read in four cats, I thought: why not?
[8] See how miss the quail! Do not you see? It means that mimesis works.
[9] I could argue (with some scandal) that in poetry there is no plot. Not being a critic I can afford to repeat with a "Oh yeah? And what about "A Silvia"? pure language in freedom, right? "
Una delle accuse rivolte alla letteratura moderna è quella di eccedere in affabulazione. Bersagli di queste affermazioni sono gli scrittori di genere rei di pensare troppo alla “trama” e troppo poco al linguaggio [6] . Nulla di più falso. As already Pasolini [7], the writer must use the "mimesis." The language must be subordinate to the plot. And that goes for any text, even among the oldest. The triplet
Dante is perhaps an example of mimicry? The dazzling stylistic insights Leopards are they not an example of a camouflaged language [8] in the plot and the plot are due [9]
The narration (that permeates every corner of our existence) requires by its very nature of a research language invisible. The more the author is aware, the more this kind of research is at its power, the less he understands more the language will not take off the plot. I realize that I seem more complicated than they are and try to simplify. If a writer has to describe a certain scene, a mood, a landscape or whatever you like, have to choose the exact language to evoke the emotion that the reader has in mind to explore (the books are travel , right?).
So why the "real language" so successful (critical)?
Why is reassuring.
[6] In fact these criminals are not even mentionned in Literature.
[7] Pasolini is not the only one to speak of "Mimesis" (I do in the ethological sense, actually - like the feathers of the quail for instance) but it is very true intellectual mention one of the most overrated thinkers of the twentieth century and since I know from experience that the notes at the bottom of the page read in four cats, I thought: why not?
[8] See how miss the quail! Do not you see? It means that mimesis works.
[9] I could argue (with some scandal) that in poetry there is no plot. Not being a critic I can afford to repeat with a "Oh yeah? And what about "A Silvia"? pure language in freedom, right? "
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Tv Mount Instructions
Di cose sgradevoli sui libri (4 di 8)
Writers italiani, da sempre, oscillano fra due posizioni. La prima è “voglio finire sulle antologie”, l’altra è quella che - biecamente - si potrebbe definire “posa il malloppo”. Le ultime tre generazioni di scrittori della penisola, in puro italian-style (mi dicono che sia imprescindibile l’uso dell’inglese se si vuole fare bella figura in ambito accademico/specialistico) [1] cercano di ottenere sia l’uno che l’altro.
Il riconoscimento accademico e critico, quindi, ma con il portafogli ben pieno.
Paradossalmente pare che la strada dell’Ego (che non mi pare sia consigliata dall’Ottuplice Via del canone buddistico) sia quella più fortunata. Più uno scrittore parla del proprio Ego più il suo Ego viene rinforzato da elogi e articoli. [2]
Da questa posizione derivano anche i vari attacchi alla grande industria letteraria rea di non “apprezzare” la “ricerca”. Di esempi ce ne sono a bizzeffe e siccome stiamo parlando di un discorso principalmente economico, per una volta voglio rendere pan per focaccia e non citerò questi simpatici farisei del Word-Processor (anche i loro pamphlet hanno un prezzo di copertina…)[3] .
Cerchiamo di eliminare un equivoco che si aggira fra di noi. La “ricerca” non esiste. Il mio non è un ragionamento sulla falsariga del “o tempora o mores” [4] , ma una presa d’atto of a phenomenon in progress. Anyone you talk (chatter) of "linguistic research" consciously lies [5]. The only possible linguistic research in the last fifty years, the day most days not, is to play with the resumption of a discourse of "storyteller" who goes to Celestini Paolini. The rest is crap.
Worse Ego.
[1] I also say that the notes to footnotes make a great look great, so here's the first.
[2] After all the criticism is a literary genre as others and therefore the theorem that fattens the ego itself, that is for the critics ...
[3] Tie, get this.
[4] The use of Latin would make me a real writer, a label that refused with horror.
[5] Of course this does not imply an accusation on my part to "be in bad faith." Word of Mock.
Writers italiani, da sempre, oscillano fra due posizioni. La prima è “voglio finire sulle antologie”, l’altra è quella che - biecamente - si potrebbe definire “posa il malloppo”. Le ultime tre generazioni di scrittori della penisola, in puro italian-style (mi dicono che sia imprescindibile l’uso dell’inglese se si vuole fare bella figura in ambito accademico/specialistico) [1] cercano di ottenere sia l’uno che l’altro.
Il riconoscimento accademico e critico, quindi, ma con il portafogli ben pieno.
Paradossalmente pare che la strada dell’Ego (che non mi pare sia consigliata dall’Ottuplice Via del canone buddistico) sia quella più fortunata. Più uno scrittore parla del proprio Ego più il suo Ego viene rinforzato da elogi e articoli. [2]
Da questa posizione derivano anche i vari attacchi alla grande industria letteraria rea di non “apprezzare” la “ricerca”. Di esempi ce ne sono a bizzeffe e siccome stiamo parlando di un discorso principalmente economico, per una volta voglio rendere pan per focaccia e non citerò questi simpatici farisei del Word-Processor (anche i loro pamphlet hanno un prezzo di copertina…)[3] .
Cerchiamo di eliminare un equivoco che si aggira fra di noi. La “ricerca” non esiste. Il mio non è un ragionamento sulla falsariga del “o tempora o mores” [4] , ma una presa d’atto of a phenomenon in progress. Anyone you talk (chatter) of "linguistic research" consciously lies [5]. The only possible linguistic research in the last fifty years, the day most days not, is to play with the resumption of a discourse of "storyteller" who goes to Celestini Paolini. The rest is crap.
Worse Ego.
[1] I also say that the notes to footnotes make a great look great, so here's the first.
[2] After all the criticism is a literary genre as others and therefore the theorem that fattens the ego itself, that is for the critics ...
[3] Tie, get this.
[4] The use of Latin would make me a real writer, a label that refused with horror.
[5] Of course this does not imply an accusation on my part to "be in bad faith." Word of Mock.
Monday, February 7, 2011
White Discharge And Peeing Alot
Di cose sgradevoli sui libri (3 di 8)
Behind the book that we can browse to tears and love (who has never cried on Don Quixote, or the final on Blindness It is not worthy to be called a human being) so there is only the mind and the work of the author. Having a price, a book is an entire economic system, clear, directs the choices and the hazards of each writer.
Caution: It is not just a matter of money. In our society some call "turbo - capitalist" (which is a little 'how to define a nuclear warhead a New Year firecracker) money (just like a book) is not only what it seems. It is, above all, social consideration.
In other words, is "love."
To show someone our "love" we use money. We call this "alienation" or "real subsumption / total" or call it black magic, it does not matter. What remains is always the same. Money is our version of the affection, admiration, even love that we bring against someone / something. Needless to stumble, the rules I did not.
This is the second factor to consider if you want to discuss, without misunderstandings, the book itself. And forgive the quote Kant (borrowed from Dr. Lecter, worry).
Industry ego and the personal (love is the bond that unites a strong ego to another ego - just think of the practice of "gift" and its multiple codings) are thus the two poles on which to argue, the two attractors occult defining what is the writer and the book.
Behind the book that we can browse to tears and love (who has never cried on Don Quixote, or the final on Blindness It is not worthy to be called a human being) so there is only the mind and the work of the author. Having a price, a book is an entire economic system, clear, directs the choices and the hazards of each writer.
Caution: It is not just a matter of money. In our society some call "turbo - capitalist" (which is a little 'how to define a nuclear warhead a New Year firecracker) money (just like a book) is not only what it seems. It is, above all, social consideration.
In other words, is "love."
To show someone our "love" we use money. We call this "alienation" or "real subsumption / total" or call it black magic, it does not matter. What remains is always the same. Money is our version of the affection, admiration, even love that we bring against someone / something. Needless to stumble, the rules I did not.
This is the second factor to consider if you want to discuss, without misunderstandings, the book itself. And forgive the quote Kant (borrowed from Dr. Lecter, worry).
Industry ego and the personal (love is the bond that unites a strong ego to another ego - just think of the practice of "gift" and its multiple codings) are thus the two poles on which to argue, the two attractors occult defining what is the writer and the book.
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Di cose sgradevoli sui libri (2 di 8)
There are two ways of thinking about books. After all, there are at least two ways (as you well know Occam) di ragionare su qualsiasi cosa.
Un libro, come in un racconto di Borges, è un discorso ed un metadiscorso imprescindibilmente uniti l’uno all’altro, come il Caduceo di Mercurio: da una parte il libro come narrazione, linguaggio, idee e sintassi, dall’altra il libro come oggetto. Quest’ultimo punto di vista (POV come direbbero gli sceneggiatori holywoodiani) è il libro come lo conosciamo davvero. Ciò-che-è-dietro-all’apparenza. In queste paginette discuteremo di questo.
Il libro è un oggetto. Un oggetto antico, ma non troppo - visto che, per millenni, la lettura si è svolta su rotoli, e incredibilmente comodo. Chiunque abbia avuto a che fare con le Ferrovie o con a girlfriend or particularly distressed or may testify, a good book, really can save your life without too many side effects. A book has a cover, the printed pages (the invention of Gutenberg is to the mind as gunpowder is to war ...) and, what is never considered in the context of criticism, at a price. A book is an object.
As a blender, a can of fizzy soft drink with added natural flavors, a pair of shoes or a six-pack of hypodermic syringes.
There are two ways of thinking about books. After all, there are at least two ways (as you well know Occam) di ragionare su qualsiasi cosa.
Un libro, come in un racconto di Borges, è un discorso ed un metadiscorso imprescindibilmente uniti l’uno all’altro, come il Caduceo di Mercurio: da una parte il libro come narrazione, linguaggio, idee e sintassi, dall’altra il libro come oggetto. Quest’ultimo punto di vista (POV come direbbero gli sceneggiatori holywoodiani) è il libro come lo conosciamo davvero. Ciò-che-è-dietro-all’apparenza. In queste paginette discuteremo di questo.
Il libro è un oggetto. Un oggetto antico, ma non troppo - visto che, per millenni, la lettura si è svolta su rotoli, e incredibilmente comodo. Chiunque abbia avuto a che fare con le Ferrovie o con a girlfriend or particularly distressed or may testify, a good book, really can save your life without too many side effects. A book has a cover, the printed pages (the invention of Gutenberg is to the mind as gunpowder is to war ...) and, what is never considered in the context of criticism, at a price. A book is an object.
As a blender, a can of fizzy soft drink with added natural flavors, a pair of shoes or a six-pack of hypodermic syringes.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Having Dull Kidney Pain
Di cose unpleasant books (1 of 8) Egypt
Remember? Some time ago I told you to be invited by the Academy of bran for a presentation on the literature of "gggiovani. Inizialmente titubante, dopo aver chiacchierato con la mia interlocutrice (la dottoressa Stefanelli), accettai con entusiasmo. Vi dirò di più: una vera e propria boccata d'ossigeno. Finalmente si parlava di LIBRI e non di cazzatelle. Finalmente si parlava di Blanchot e Saramago e non di Chi Scopa Con Chi Per Poter Pubblicare o di quanto Era Figo Adorno. Insomma, mi sono divertito non poco, soprattutto perchè mi sono reso conto di quanto la Crusca sia lontana da certe dinamiche, in maniera quasi... ingenua e, di contro, di quanto io stesso mi sia dimenticato di quanto fosse divertente rompere i... beh, vedrete. Al termine dell'incontro mi è stato chiesto di stendere un breve articolo da inserire negli Atti dell'Accademia dell'anno 2010, un onore per uno scribacchino da 4 soldi come il sottoscritto.
Quanto seguirà nelle prossime GL-puntate è, appunto, il mio contributo (anzi, come mi ero ormai scordato... "il contributo del dottor D'Andrea") ai suddetti Atti. Spero vi possa interessare.
Remember? Some time ago I told you to be invited by the Academy of bran for a presentation on the literature of "gggiovani. Inizialmente titubante, dopo aver chiacchierato con la mia interlocutrice (la dottoressa Stefanelli), accettai con entusiasmo. Vi dirò di più: una vera e propria boccata d'ossigeno. Finalmente si parlava di LIBRI e non di cazzatelle. Finalmente si parlava di Blanchot e Saramago e non di Chi Scopa Con Chi Per Poter Pubblicare o di quanto Era Figo Adorno. Insomma, mi sono divertito non poco, soprattutto perchè mi sono reso conto di quanto la Crusca sia lontana da certe dinamiche, in maniera quasi... ingenua e, di contro, di quanto io stesso mi sia dimenticato di quanto fosse divertente rompere i... beh, vedrete. Al termine dell'incontro mi è stato chiesto di stendere un breve articolo da inserire negli Atti dell'Accademia dell'anno 2010, un onore per uno scribacchino da 4 soldi come il sottoscritto.
Quanto seguirà nelle prossime GL-puntate è, appunto, il mio contributo (anzi, come mi ero ormai scordato... "il contributo del dottor D'Andrea") ai suddetti Atti. Spero vi possa interessare.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
How To Make My Sms Tone Play On Cydia
Oggi, grazie a Trenitalia, ho deciso di scrivere questo post. Non avrei voluto farlo, la situazione è complessa, ci sono mille dettagli che vanno analizzati, fonti da controllare, testimonianze da valutare, interessi da pesare, considerazioni da ponderare non una, ma mille volte. Insomma, troppo per un post.
Mi limiterò a due cose.
Primo. I fautori di Internet come sistema per Sconfiggere Il Male, spero have learned their lesson. Just unplug it and return to the carrier pigeon. Indeed, at first, seeing as we have forgotten how to "network without the Net." According
. (And here I understand that has to do Trenitalia) (delay of three hours and twenty spent listening crap from fellow travelers) I read around and I hear a lot of beautiful speeches. Like, "Here, they have courage," and "We must do so ourselves." This is an abstract. FB is infested with such phrases. At the time three hundred dead are counted, Egypt. Three thousand three hundred dead mean suffering. I do not count the wounded. I do not count the social wound that can lead to three hundred dead soul of a nation. I will not dwell on the lightness (Dare I say, Stalin) in which the heroes do with others' ass "Oh, three hundred dead are a few after all." I will not say if what is happening over there is good or bad, I take note, my opinion is part of the complexity of the above. I will not even discuss the right to cesaricidio. And even on the inherent racism on the lightness of "doing the counting" of the martyrs (as are almost Negroes, no? One more or one less).
Not at all.
I rather put your attention to a fact. Almost everyone speaks of young Egyptians as "heroes" or "good guys". I even heard a radio commentator who made the school with Goebbels. There are few distinctions. Nor have I heard someone pull out the old, old debate about "violence, no violence." Strange, no?
What I mean to these heroes of paper is: are you sure to face the same thing is happening in Egypt? are you sure that if it happened in Italy, today, twenty-first century, unconditional support demonstrations, clashes, the charges? Are you sure that you would be on the road with a stone in his hand? Sure you bear to go home and find a nice security guard that is waiting for an interrogation? Are you sure you are ready to see your civil rights (dare I say human) deleted? Are you sure that there is fitted into gandhianesimo some of begging?
is not my task to answer. My job as a writer, you immerse yourself in a real different and you catch the reflection of the Real. This time I want to do with the images. I will give only the frame, which is this:
"In 2011, Italians took to the streets, ready for anything. They decided it was time to change, that the tyrant should be overthrown. They decided to infischiarsene of the Constitution, they could do it without . Apart from comments on blogs, petitions on FB and indignation from the tail of the supermarket and took to the streets. This is what happened ... "
Click here and tell me the effect that there is.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011
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