Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lugares Para Comprar Carros

Di cose sgradevoli sui libri (8 di 8)

It 's the player the center of the universe bookish. Always. The publishers intend nell'accezione the "customer" the writer "What you lose hours of my life behind my sink." If that sound trivial, then changed the word "player" with the word "man" and you will open up a world.

We got what we call writers typically climax. With an old-fashioned language, interrupting your reading notes in the footer of the useless [17] have triggered your curiosity. Breaking up the rhythm of the narrative (because everything is narration) have given way to the gracious note to follow (controversially) my digressions (which someone feels inconclusive [18]) to the point where I tell you, with a sinister trick postmodernism, which writing is an act of love.

Writing is always an act of love. Reading is an act of love. The practice of writing is a terrible exercise in sincerity against those who read it what a good book does is show us how, in every corner, in every condition, in sickness and in health, you and I, we live the same "us".

Because the real purpose of the literature, the index and the most terrible of his powers, is to demonstrate the futility of "them." [19] [20] [21]

[17] We fooled you again!
[18] But on the other hand, for some reason totally incomprehensible to me, not at all like the Heavy Metal, then Why should I do that?
[19] Note nineteen.
[20] I could not resist ...
[21] Thank you.


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