Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Are Short Term Effects Of Syphilis


I'm tired, boys and girls. Tired as hell.
not (Only) a physical fatigue. E 'weariness, Cioran would say, of the spirit.
If you are physically tired, you sleep, you rest. Are you tired mentally unwind, read something, watch a movie.
But if it is the spirit that cracks? what?

If every time someone crosses can not do it, just can not do it, see it as a human being?
If every time you speak you are sick and would prefer to shut up, what?
If you do not see behind every trick now even more evil, but a sad idiot, what are you doing? If
behind the idiocy, the emptiness of the cunning that you do not see anything, what are you doing?
If you see that no, there is no possibility of get out, you can not get out because the rules have already been made, what are you doing? If you see that the weak
ENJOYS being trampled on, what are you doing? If
when someone tells you "fight" makes you want to crush it in blood, you do?
If and when someone tells you he says and says and says ... what are you doing? If

I'm tired. Terribly, terribly tired.


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