Nei commenti al post di ieri è venuto fuori uno spunto molto (almeno per me) interessante su un argomento che mi sta molto a cuore: Lenin. Ovvero: sul Mercato.
Mi pare che sia ormai clear that the 'means of production "no longer exist. Not in the West, at least. Have been "outsourced" to countries (like China) where the work "human" is worth less than a head of lettuce. Rights zero, zero wages, break the balls and you're dead. The reason is simple: you gain more of what Marx called the "added value". The real money you make doing "business" and not "doors and windows." What then are virtual money, which at the historic first shock if they go to hell, well, as Kissinger said in the long run we are all dead. " And I said before financing the Taliban running anti-Soviet.
return to us. Everything is considered "culture / entertainment" part of this game. I think you are following me so far.
But how does the market?
In the eighties, both publishers and those of production (film or music that was) trying desperately bestselleraro. King. Grisham. But Eco, if we are talking about Italy. The last one was Brizzi. Then, at some point they realized one thing: you could do sooo much more money by creating niche within a niche: fragmenting the market. Why? Why are advanced on a King novel that was 40 million copies were staggering. Much easier to create many small King instead of 10000 copies of each and pay them a pinch of snuff. If you do the math you realize that the gain is even greater. Also I can afford to create product with a low level of production, spending even less. Remember the appearance of low-fi? remember grunge? Here, the stuff there.
Ninety Years have gone by, came new technologies which allow pirated products. And those who do so can be called "pirate" (sooo romantic, guys!) And above can have a driver's license "left", even "intellectual." Damn, you are called the Colossi Editorials / Musical, we have to give up! - So the Communists would like to think Job others. You can see who has not read Lenin.
Or maybe they do not know what are the means of production.
Now, Lenin said that communism + Marx was electricity and he was right. In this case, in our case the twenty-first century, those who have electricity? Also they, the Colossi. Which I have shown great capacity to collect and strokes, as in Judo, send them back to the sender without even sweating too much. Lenin knew this.
fragment, fragment and break up again. That is: to become even more "liquid". That is: give the illusion that the "self" is still possible - even "profitable." Fragment, not only invented the niche market niches, and continue to fragment, but saturate within a few months with products (paid zero) on the quality between the sad and very sad.
Back a noi, ed esco dalla metafora (mica tanto metafora). Si dice che l'ebook spazzerà via i Colossi. A casa mia sia chiama utopia. Peggio: malafede. L'ebook aumenta la frammentazione. Alla decima potenza. Tanti piccoli operai cinesi molto felici di essere tanti piccoli operai cinesi. Perchè? Perchè ormai non si compra più una "merce" si compra l'alienazione che quella merce ci fornisce, l'idea di noi stessi che quella merce ci dà. La migliore frammentazione possibile. Ti vendo un qualcosa di scadente non perchè tu la voglia, ma perchè tu vuoi sentirti "figo" o "bello" o... "avanti".
Si chiama: prendere l'alienazione delle merci e renderla redditizia.
Potrei andare avanti, ma vi lascio with a question: Who said that "communism is the Lenin + armored divisions?
Here: Because every time I speak of 'ste robe here I get tons of shit, you know that I will use the same criterion of the gentleman for not answering.
PS This is free speech.
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