Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Do Performance Testing For Datawarhousing

Di cose sgradevoli sui libri (6 di 8)

Linguistic research understood as a phenomenon in itself (a monad terrible torments of literary Real Writers) takes us back to the Little Country. Known as a hearth to warm the heart and tell the same thing. Possibly with a plaintive tone, as the critical acclaim is almost never a success with the public [10]. The Little Country, in our case is the Italian language. Experience the Italian language. There is only one small problem (the leak in the roof of the hearth) and this hole has a name.


Goethe, who in terms of plot and language was second to none, had assumed the Weltliteratur, a literary world that embraces the myth, the styles and techniques so all these bad words [11] of the world. We are immersed. Everyone, no excluded, has more books in memory of foreigners by Italian authors. In the original language and more importantly read in translation. The last two generations of writers (there is often forgotten that the writer is first a reader) were trained on texts written in another language. It would be a very interesting study on relapse in Italian Tullio Dobner written translations of books by Stephen King. The
Weltliteratur scares. It is the hole in the ceiling. It forces us to take note of all of the literature.

No more loving homes, out there is the prairie.

[10] Various Prizes Letterari” (lo Strega, il Campiello…) non sono vinti da libri o da scrittori, ma da Case Editrici.
[11]che uno scrittore di genere (notate la minuscola) non dovrebbe citare.


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