Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pokemon Red On My Mac

Di cose sgradevoli sui libri (7 di 8)

Understanding this, a writer can be a nasty shock. Forces to review their responsibilities. No more daddy to hide behind [12] need to build your own language. Their stories. And realize that the stories, the plots, they only have primacy over writing because only that way can I take the reader by the throat and offer what is the ultimate goal of Literature: Reality in an acid bath. It 's a healthy exercise in humility, because it puts your ego in second floor by placing the reader as a cornerstone around which to rotate its axis. This does not mean, mind you, place the player as unmoved mover of any text, simply take responsibility for what is said.
Why is the gap between literature and reality which arises what we actually perceive as "real." [13] The writers have forgotten that concept. Advertisers and politicians, no.

We started by the industry and we must return, albeit in a fast [14].

There is no text that is released from the mind of a single author. And this all along. Can we imagine Homer, Dante, Manzoni leggono ad alta voce (o inviano per posta) il proprio lavoro a qualcuno che reputavano in grado di suggerire tagli, accorgimenti e limature? Ecco, si chiama “editing”[15] . L’Editor, una figura a metà strada fra il meccanico e lo psicoterapeuta, è quel personaggio occulto di cui la critica e l’Accademia non si occupano mai. A torto. Senza editor i libri come li conosciamo non esistono. L’editor è una professione dura. Bisogna reggere le pressioni della Casa Editrice (il cui scopo è quello di fare soldi) e quello dell’autore (il cui scopo è quello di fare soldi, con il minor lavoro possibile) e conoscere, in maniera del tutto disincantata, quelle poche regolette che permettono ad un libro to capture the reader's attention being very careful not to change the style, the author's ideas. How to dance the tango on the crust of a frozen lake. [16]

[12], the undersigned, would like a euro for every time I see quoted Sanguineti, to name just one.
[13] What a horrible word!
[14] I understand to be abusing your patience, I hear someone who already clears his throat, looking around with some embarrassment.
[15] And two ...
[16] Using a Caterpillar as a partner.


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