Thursday, February 3, 2011

How To Make My Sms Tone Play On Cydia

Oggi, grazie a Trenitalia, ho deciso di scrivere questo post. Non avrei voluto farlo, la situazione è complessa, ci sono mille dettagli che vanno analizzati, fonti da controllare, testimonianze da valutare, interessi da pesare, considerazioni da ponderare non una, ma mille volte. Insomma, troppo per un post.

Mi limiterò a due cose.

Primo. I fautori di Internet come sistema per Sconfiggere Il Male, spero have learned their lesson. Just unplug it and return to the carrier pigeon. Indeed, at first, seeing as we have forgotten how to "network without the Net." According

. (And here I understand that has to do Trenitalia) (delay of three hours and twenty spent listening crap from fellow travelers) I read around and I hear a lot of beautiful speeches. Like, "Here, they have courage," and "We must do so ourselves." This is an abstract. FB is infested with such phrases. At the time three hundred dead are counted, Egypt. Three thousand three hundred dead mean suffering. I do not count the wounded. I do not count the social wound that can lead to three hundred dead soul of a nation. I will not dwell on the lightness (Dare I say, Stalin) in which the heroes do with others' ass "Oh, three hundred dead are a few after all." I will not say if what is happening over there is good or bad, I take note, my opinion is part of the complexity of the above. I will not even discuss the right to cesaricidio. And even on the inherent racism on the lightness of "doing the counting" of the martyrs (as are almost Negroes, no? One more or one less).

Not at all.

I rather put your attention to a fact. Almost everyone speaks of young Egyptians as "heroes" or "good guys". I even heard a radio commentator who made the school with Goebbels. There are few distinctions. Nor have I heard someone pull out the old, old debate about "violence, no violence." Strange, no?

What I mean to these heroes of paper is: are you sure to face the same thing is happening in Egypt? are you sure that if it happened in Italy, today, twenty-first century, unconditional support demonstrations, clashes, the charges? Are you sure that you would be on the road with a stone in his hand? Sure you bear to go home and find a nice security guard that is waiting for an interrogation? Are you sure you are ready to see your civil rights (dare I say human) deleted? Are you sure that there is fitted into gandhianesimo some of begging?

is not my task to answer. My job as a writer, you immerse yourself in a real different and you catch the reflection of the Real. This time I want to do with the images. I will give only the frame, which is this:

"In 2011, Italians took to the streets, ready for anything. They decided it was time to change, that the tyrant should be overthrown. They decided to infischiarsene of the Constitution, they could do it without . Apart from comments on blogs, petitions on FB and indignation from the tail of the supermarket and took to the streets. This is what happened ... "

Click here and tell me the effect that there is.


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