Monday, February 7, 2011

White Discharge And Peeing Alot

Di cose sgradevoli sui libri (3 di 8)

Behind the book that we can browse to tears and love (who has never cried on Don Quixote, or the final on Blindness It is not worthy to be called a human being) so there is only the mind and the work of the author. Having a price, a book is an entire economic system, clear, directs the choices and the hazards of each writer.

Caution: It is not just a matter of money. In our society some call "turbo - capitalist" (which is a little 'how to define a nuclear warhead a New Year firecracker) money (just like a book) is not only what it seems. It is, above all, social consideration.

In other words, is "love."

To show someone our "love" we use money. We call this "alienation" or "real subsumption / total" or call it black magic, it does not matter. What remains is always the same. Money is our version of the affection, admiration, even love that we bring against someone / something. Needless to stumble, the rules I did not.

This is the second factor to consider if you want to discuss, without misunderstandings, the book itself. And forgive the quote Kant (borrowed from Dr. Lecter, worry).

Industry ego and the personal (love is the bond that unites a strong ego to another ego - just think of the practice of "gift" and its multiple codings) are thus the two poles on which to argue, the two attractors occult defining what is the writer and the book.


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