Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Draw Maxine Jokes

Benvenuti nel mio film

Si dice (giustamente) che i libri sono un po’ le fotografie dell’autore nel momento in cui li ha scritti. Mi rendo conto che il W sia, ormai (per me) una foto tutto sommato ingiallita, di quelle buffe che ogni tanto capitano sottomano. Avete presente? IO, IO, ho indossato QUELLA roba lì? Oh yes.

Leggere in sequenza ciò che ho scritto dal W in poi è un po’ come guardare un film al slow (there are too few frames) to see where I came. Oh, impossible to say where I'll go, but I begin to see that there is a thread that connects my stuff.

The other day I had confirmation.

Remember I said that true freedom of the Internet is not the time to say 'Hey, listen to what I say, "but to say' Shut the fuck up I want to hear something other than your crap?". Here, I continue the conversation with a new corollary. Privilege of Power, in the twenty-first century is to remain opaque to a transparent world.

the other day (not just yesterday) I met a person. Although our ideas are far apart, I made a good impression. He was prepared, curious, ironic in an "old style" - that is not offensive. And as "curiosity" is my third name, once back home I tried to find his name on Google. I wanted to see who the hell I had to do. This person performs an important public office, and I thought: why not?

And here I pause a moment.

Have you ever tried to find your name on Google? I do. What concerned me a lot of space (the first time I was really amazed), but a careful reading, one realizes the paradox Internettesco for excellence: There is a fake plurality. I mean, come on, take the reviews and comments to the W - are written with the copy machine (but are blogghettari of Electric Sheep?) And this goes for any search you do. The copy / paste is not culture. Access to culture is not synonymous with progress, maybe it was. And do not be

Eco to understand it.

But that is what we need to pause, give a tube of what is written about me, is an example. It applies to everyone, not just those who (in his small) is a public figure. Bureaucratic documents, curricula, Facebook. Everything is online. Summary trasparenza.Provate with your name or any other term that comes to mente. Contate quanti risultati (comprese false piste, omonimi e via così). Fatelo, per favore e poi tornate qui.

Un sacco di risultati,giusto?

Ecco, quel signore di cui sopra, aveva sei risultati.


Adesso sapete cos’è il vero potere. Adesso sapete la differenza fra conoscenza e accesso.
Benvenuti nel mio film.


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